
Game Developer In Bidding War For Save Game 1999-03-10 Erik | Check out this ebay auction
and look at the high bidder. You might be pleasantly surprised. |
| This might be why id is able to so
consistently deliver product - they outsource their leisure time game playing.
Thanks to an anonymous tipster for this one.
| Peter Molyneux - Some Kind Of Imbecile? 1999-03-09 Erik | Let's get this out of the way first: blah
blah blah he invented Populous. In some murky combination of interview and
press release, Peter Molyneux has made the following statements: "I
was interested to hear that Sony is to use 'Emotion Synthesis', which focuses particularly
not just on how images look, but how in-game characters think, act and behave,"
Ah, yes, interesting... someone's finally utilizing Emotion Synthesis.
I wonder if he takes every wacky Japanese mistranslation and transparent marketing
ploy this seriously: "Mates, I've got terrible news. Just booted Arkanoid
and... someone's been trapped in a space warped, by someone!". Here's
a quote from 1991: "I was interested to hear that Sega is to use 'Blast Processing',
which focuses particularly not just on how images look, but on how they are blasted
through the processor"
Later in the interview Mr. God Game proclaims:
"PlayStation 2 is the most exciting entertainment machine I can
ever imagine."
Personally, I can still imagine a more exciting entertainment machine - one that has
more direct interaction with my penis for instance.
He concludes by once again referring to his apparently stunted imagination:
"It is rather hard to imagine a world where the PlayStation 2
does not emerge as the winner in this race."
I'm not saying I disagree with him, I'm just calling him dumb.
| Next Generation Publicly Fellates 989 Studios 1999-03-09 Erik | I wish I could simply use my imagination to
dream up things this funny. The intrepid newshounds at Next Generation have scored a
real scoop: 989 Studios has announced that its highly anticipated PC title
EverQuest has become the most anticipated online title of 1999! Everything
but the exclamation point is, I swear to God Game creator Peter Molyneux, just as they
reported it. The proof of this unprovable statement? Jeffrey Fox, Vice
President of Marketing for 989 Studios says so. You don't get to be Vice President
of Marketing without a real commitment to unadorned truth telling, so I'm with Next
Generation - this is the real deal.
| Mackenzie Phillips Taking It One Day At A Time 1999-03-08 Erik | Game site webmasters have once again been
dealt a cruel blow by the death of a celebrity - Stanley Kubrick. I thought maybe
this bit of positive celebrity news might help them cope in their time of grief.
Mackenzie Phillips has kicked her $1000.00 a week coke habit and, sensitive game
journalists take note, it appears that she will not be dying any time soon. The guy
who played Schneider could go at any second though. Come to think of it he may
already be dead, in which case today's news is dedicated to his living memory and his
friends and family including Alex Van Halen who's a big fan of the site and a great
kisser. I mean, that's what I've heard.
Next loonygames top story: Lou Diamond Phillips, what a gem!
| Saved Game Fire Sale 1999-03-07 Chet | Saw this on GameCenter.
Who knew they were good for more than Mark Asher's column? |
| Seems some genius sold his Ultima Online
character to an idiot for $521. If there's one thing we recognize, it's the pungent
scent of a burgeoning get rich quick scheme; so we've decided to whore out our precious
saved games. Listed below are some items that are available for a limited time only
(in other words, act now!)
Item Desc |
Price |
Myth 2 saved game. erik has gotten to about the 10th map with two
veteran dwarves that have survived every mission! This one would
be a steal at thrice the price! Includes a signed copy of erik's monograph
"How to get to nearly the eleventh board of Myth 2 with two veteran dwarves
intact." Not that you'll need it, since you'll have the saved game. |
$9.95 |
Half-Life saved games right before every cool section. The games are
named in such a way that it's very easy to figure out which one's which. These saves
represent literally hundreds of man hours spent discovering and cataloging the absolute
best moments in Half-Life. We play the games, so you don't have to! How
much do you think this is worth (don't look at the price at the right)? Did you say
one hundred dollars? I think you're going to be pleasantly surprised by our limited
time only absolutely fucking crazy price of 10.95! |
$10.95 |
The name "Smoked Sausage" for quake 1 multiplayer CTF.
Particularly good on the CNN clans CTF server. People will say Hi to you. I have not
used this in a little bit, but still valuable. |
$12.95 |
BlackAdder on StarSiege Tribes. Not our #1 character, but a solid
team player with some really well thought out key bindings. Includes a limited
edition collector's plate commemorating last week's lunch by still having some kung-pao
chicken stuck to it. |
$15.00 |
The reputation I have with my 12 year old nephew for never losing a triple
play game against him. This only covers the Playstation version of the game. |
$12.95 |
About ten tons of inscrutable crap that Sonic Adventures has been been
compiling on our VMS. A real goldmine for Japanese language scholars and kids under
3 as the VMS is small enough to fit comfortably in a toddler's mouth but slightly
overlarge to fit down its throat. |
$49.99 |
My hearts username on MS's Zone. I have a 1710 rating and a
reputation as a real bad dude and an even worse loser. |
$25.00 |
| Helpful New Feature 1999-03-07 Erik | Americans, you can safely ignore this. |
| Realizing that many of our UK clan mates are
right buggered by the ever increasing size of our news page, I've archived our January and
February updates and designed and programmed a handy navigational tool somewhere to the
left of this sentence. I'll archive the news about once a month so that you low
bandwith european bastards don't have to sit there nibbling your gentleman's savory
teacakes, or visit the loo, or simply daydream about pirating your next footie management
simulator whilst waiting for the page to load. That was a cheap shot. I'm
retracting it right now. I'd like to offer these Rammstein lyrics as an olive
I want to ride your tears
Over your chin to Africa
And search between your thighs
For last year's snow
Well that was pretty stupid. What the hell's wrong with you
people? And what about that Hitler? Not to mention soccer. And France.
| Daikatana To Be Further Delayed By Paternity Suit. 1999-03-06 Chet | Its all over the news, check it out here. |
Primate Sign Language Basics: 
That chimp is a lying whore

Want Can of Soda and Dolly

Y2K problem? No fella, bitch better have my money or her Y2K problem havin
ass gonna be for sale on tha street. Shit.
After winning the Daikatana DM demo tourney,
the Helpful Daikatana Monkey embarked on a cross country orgy of banana peel smoking and
foul language signing that would make the American Heritage Talking Dictionary blush.
After three days of frantic inquiries, we finally tracked him down to the Hollywood
Palm Hotel on North Highland. We picked him up, hosed him down, changed his diaper,
and thought the matter closed.
But a few days ago a certified letter arrived addressed to the Helpful Duke Nukem
Forever Monkey. At first, we thought nothing of it, as such a
helpful monkey is always in demand by the various game companies, who often lobby him by
cleverly changing his name. Then we read it.
The letter was from the L.A. cops. It seems Mr. Monkey broke into the Los Angeles
Zoo, knocked up two resident chimps, gave them a fake name and split.
When confronted, the signed denials flowed like so much semen from the swollen head of an
aroused monkey penis. At first it was total denial. After persistent
questioning, he claimed they were whores; booth chimps introduced to him in Texas by an
Eidos marketing rep. Finally, the tears started and the signing became "Come
hug. Want toothbrush. Want dress up clothes. Want dolly." repeated
over and over.
Did he do it? Probably. Although he's got some rudimentary language skills and
is able to design a nice level, the Helpful Daikatana Monkey is still a monkey and, as
such, will fuck anything, especially other monkeys and chimps.
Expect Daikatana to be further delayed by this setback. |
| State Of The Wood - BiWeekly Recap And Digest 1999-03-06 Marvin | A new service for the community. |
| February 26th, 1999:
Redwood is still enjoying his cable modem. He's happy with his ICQ upload
throughput. His system still seems to be freezing, but at least he's not getting
disconnected "multiple" times a night (the multiple disconnects statement is
immediately followed by a smiley, so it's possible that this was an exaggeration - ed.)
Thanks to his newly reduced ping, he can successfully mount Quake play dates with
his UK clan mates. He has talked to Tim Willits, and gotten to the bottom of this
Tim Willits .plan pulling episode.February 28th, 1999:
Redwood has not had any lockups since the two reported on the 26th. He continues to
be vexed by the instability of winamp, but softens his obvious displeasure with a
well-placed smiley. He has just seen Vampires (on DVD no less) and proceeds to express
absolutely no opinion of it with the following statement: "It was not a horrible
movie but certainly not the greatest."
March 1st, 1999:
Redwood is no longer experiencing lockups or has simply let the matter drop - it is not
mentioned in this update. He has seen Office Space and feels that, while it is
funny, it is not as funny as Something About Mary. He does think that the movie is
required viewing for anyone who works in an office. Apparently, the movie contains
images of a building he is familiar with, which delights him.
| Daikatana Death Match Tournament News! 1999-03-04 Chet | You will only see this here! |

From a hidden camera smuggled into the tournament: many celebrities attended
the event including Paul Steed and Bigfoot, one of whom is pictured above.

Did not attend.
So what happened to the February Daikatana Death Match Tournament?
It was held, and then the results and action were sealed. We had to wait until we
consulted with our lawyer, J. David Ingersoll, before we could break this story.
On Feb 21, top gamers from around the world flew to a secret location deep in central
Texas to compete in the first ever Daikatana Death Match Tournament. Our team was
led by the Helpful Daikatana Monkey.
Final outcome? The monkey took it hands down. Thresh, fearing that such a beating by a
such a helpful monkey might adversely affect his ability to publicly expound on his great
friendship with John Carmack, petitioned IonStorm demanding that the results of this
tournament be permanently sealed. John Romero, fearing more public ridicule about his
girlish hairstyle and pretty mouth, caved immediately.
You will not see the tournament mentioned on any other game site. An NDA was secured
from every participant but one. Marvin was supposed to sign it, but lucky for us he
left early to phone in anthrax scares to several Texas abortion clinics while it was still
a local call. No one else will ever mention the tournament. Thresh's - and several
other beaten "Super Nerds" - standing in the community remains intact.
We, on the other hand, are stuck with a monkey that is not only smart enough to help
design Storm Sector Twelve, but now has a giant ego about his DM abilities - since the
tournament, he simply refuses to wear his diaper or run the sweeper on sabbath.
Potential advertisers take note: thanks to the Helpful Daikatana Monkey's skyrocketing
Primate-Q rating, we are now the number one game site among both apes and gorillas, which
includes the coveted gorillas who know sign language demographic.
Tomorrow I may post some private email between The Helpful Daikatana Monkey and Todd
Porter. |
| Playstation 2 To Usher In New Era Of Underage Girlfriend Simulation 1999-03-03 Erik |

This chart was on Next Generation without explanation this morning then
disappeared. It clearly shows how the emotion engine outperforms the Intel chipset
when rendering upskirt shots of thirteen year old schoolgirls. |

A demo was shown which featured the camera panning around a beautiful
eighteen year old girl. Sony executives assured the attendees that, as the
development tools matured, the girls would become "much, much younger." |

As expected, the camera quickly moved up the girl's skirt to reveal
panties rendered with several million triangles and lit in such a way that the blood
engorged lips of the labia were clearly visible straining against the delicate cotton
fabric. Suddenly, to the astonishment and delight of the assembled Japanese press
corps, the camera proceeded to travel up the girl's vagina, performed two complete orbits
around a cyst growing on her left ovary, then penetrated the growth and ended by skimming
the surface of the papillary follicular tissue within the cyst (pictured at left.) |