Maybe we'll all cut Monolith
CEO Jason Hall a well-deserved break now that he's revealed that the overall crappiness of
his company's product is not, as has been widely speculated, due to ineptness, but simply
because the entire organization is a front masking Jason's true intentions: building a
motorbike on which he can fight crime.
he was a sparkling, multi-talented holographic super hero who
jumped out of a mainframe and interacted in the real world.
Jason's new breathless corporate bio? Or a description of forgotten TV star Automan?
It refers to Automan, but you probably wouldn't know that unless I told you,
because the two are virtually indistinguishable at this point. Why then, if he's so
close to realizing his dream of finally reclaiming our punk filled streets, has he chosen
to sell the bike? Maybe on a test run it flipped over and landed on a pedestrian,
killing her and shaking his confidence in the whole idea; each new day becoming just
another opportunity to dull the painful memories with gin and when the gin ran out,
Robutussin or vermouth. Or maybe the bike was just proof of concept for his
real goal: a flying supercar. Perhaps, with the abject failure of Blood 2 and Shogo,
he just needs to pay the rent. My money's on either the crime fighting car or the


Hall's chrome superbike |
Liberace's French-provincial superpiano |