Read this first...
We have never published any of our voluminous hate mail. Until today. Just
moments ago, Kevin Murphy, known to negroes in the 1970's as "The Man", sent me
the following cease and desist order:While it is ok that you are using the picture from our site, it's not OK
that you have libeled my staff and I. Please remove the line that says, "Actual
Unfunny site: The Mushroom (not even the stolen html is as nice.)" as none
of the HTML is stolen. The site was 100% created in Dreamweaver, with some tweaks done
manually, by me. I feel like a prick, but I know my media law, and you cannot say
that The Mushroom steals HTML without solid proof. And if you view the HTML source for
both pages, they look radically different.
I'm not sure exactly what he's trying to say. I think he's
threatening to kill chet. Since Kevin Murphy was the most feared guard in the Nazi
death camp at Treblinka and since he personally betrayed Jesus, the King of the Jews, then
killed him, we're not taking this threat lightly. Also, our lawyers have told us
that, in legalese, the second to last sentence means that OldManMurray has been declared
the official humor site of The Mushroom. We hope this endorsement prevents them from
ramming their ribbed lawyers any farther up chet's ass.
Official Humor Site Of The Mushroom |

Did The Mushroom staff gun down our 216 hassidic homeslice, DJ One Eyed Jew?
Yes - they busted an unfunny cap right in his ass.

Artist's conception of Kevin Murphy. Note stink rays emanating from head,
swastika tattoo, Hane's beefy Tee bearing his name that he received when got his Media Law
degree in the mail, and pointy teeth.