
The Punishment For Being Excited 1999-01-29 Chet | Yesterday we were all thrilled about the screen shots of Prax War. Today it's
cancelled. Let's all say it together, "We will not care about a game until it
is released" Do you feel better? Prey, who?
| SimCopter Pilots Fight Aliens At End Of SimCopter 1999-01-28 Erik |

SimCopter screenshots (top) all have the grainy, mysterious look of
a bigfoot sighting photo (below)
Constantly on the lookout for news, but lately unable to
pull myself away from the soothing sounds of Sharpie's
SimCopter Page, I've decided to base most of my future reporting on info gathered at
this fine site. Already, I think I've scored a big scoop. According to some
posts in the discussion forum and verified by the FAQ and other posts in the discussion
forum, aliens make a surprise appearance towards the end of the simulation. One
forum poster describes the encounter:
They have a weird conversation, and that's just about all they do. They also fly
their ufo around shooting stuff.
| Okay,Okay... But Another Romero Tidbit... 1999-01-27 Chet | This was a link in Romero's plan file "GameStream knows things..." |
| On Gamestream, a
web site only someone who likes Ion Storm's web site could like, they have posted the retort to
all journalism. Basically it's a puff piece saying hard hitting reporting
"bad", game overspending/problems norm, not news. They do not take the
Dallas Observer article too seriously, since the Dallas observer regularly runs
investigative reporting pieces. Um? Huh? I am going to stop watching CNN
since they are running those damn news stories everyday! They all must be wrong!
It ends with some odd little line that says something about how we have to pray to
John Romero to get good games... something like that, the whole article left me a little
confused, or maybe it was just their rad-K Coolez interface...
| Playstation 2 Specs 1999-01-27 Erik | I assume if you're here, you already know about The
Onion. The new issue is out and it has something about video games, so I guess
I can plug it. Here's
the link. Make sure you check out the Super Bowl Ad Spending Stat Shot.
It's funnier.
| Helpful Monkey To Finish Daikatana 1999-01-27 Erik |

Could this be the monkey? Probably not, this is a gorilla - an adult
monkey. |
Ion Storm is going to release a playable Daikatana demo in
two to three weeks, which is being reported by a bunch of sites and which is the actual
news item I'm talking about here. The helpful monkey thing was just to get you to
read this, because if I titled it Daikatana Demo To Be Released In Several Weeks,
you'd think I was kidding. A helpful monkey is at least plausible, because there is
a long tradition of monkeys helping rich old Jewish women turn on and off lights and
operate the dishwasher during sabbath. Who is the rich old Jewish woman at Ion that
might have such a helpful monkey? I don't know, maybe it's Jerry O'Flaherty. |
| Fancy Lad Compares Requiem: Wrath of the Fallen To Works of Milton. 1999-01-26 Erik | Erik Davis has written an article for FeedMag in which he strings together a bunch of Fancy
Lad-ese that can be summed up in this quote:
designers interested in graphics engines and game-play are content to stay within
existing narrative and character schemes because such proven formulas require little to no
additional research or vision.
Fine. He's a bitter guy with a thesaurus and an amazingly sexy first name.
But then he proceeds to praise R:WotF for its innovation. Here's a quote (hi-lites
by me):
ALL OF WHICH makes the imminent arrival of Cyclone Studio's Requiem: Wrath of the
Fallen all the more remarkable. A hybrid
RPG/puzzle/shooter... Requiem requires you to kill soldiers and
demonic creatures as you uncover a dark conspiracy to destroy a dystopian futuristic city called Creation... To fight them, you
must recover holy relics like the Crown of Thorns and the
Sword of Fire...
Gee... I've never had to recover a holy relic before - hopefully I'll be able to
leverage my vast amount of recovering the gold keycard experience. I'm also
looking forward to the killing soldiers and demonic creatures part: an idea so crazy it just
might work.
Here is my proven recipe for impressing a Fancy Lad:
1) Take any crappy idea (hint: the crappier the better).
2) Sprinkle liberally with biblical references.
3) Sit back and watch descriptions of your work change from "DOOD ITS DOPE!"
to it "crackles with apocalyptic anxiety"
| Sharkey's Exteme Shows whats wrong with gaming sites... 1999-01-25 Chet | Saw this orginally on bluesnews who was positive about the preview... |
| Sharkey Extreme does an extreme ass kiss on
System Shock 2. "Basically the game should look nothing short of drop
dead gorgeous." They say this fine quote right after calling the dark
engine (used on Thief) Plum. Excuse me, the frigging graphics engine on Thief
sucked, it was gameplay that made the game interesting, Sharkey's review of Thief
basically says the same....
"We'd be tempted to say that the AI will also be intact (as in the original's
case)." What? Tempted? What didn't looking glass offer you
enough specials? Why be tempted, why pull the punches, I will say it for you.
"Though this game is not due out until late 99 and I have never played it, yet alone
seen a demo, only some screen shots, THE AI IN SS2 WILL BE THE BEST AI EVER!"
There, now Sharky can keep some dignity? Ooops.. too late.
If you get some screen shots, and art. Why not just talk the facts? Show the pics,
and keep your ass kissing to a minimum?
| WonderSwan Gets Tetris... 1999-01-25 Erik | BPS is currently developing Tetris For WonderSwan (the
upcoming bandai portable). Apparently that's actually the name: "Tetris For
WonderSwan". In other words, that title will appear verbatim on the box.
It will be released this spring.
| Japanese Console Game Has Inexplicable Title... 1999-01-25 Erik | Continuing the Japanese traditional art of creating game
titles by randomly assembling english words, game companies in Japan have announced their
spring lineup.
Title |
Company |
Description |
Release Date |
The Seven Concealed Chambers: Frightening Smile |
Koei |
A horror themed game for Dreamcast in which the
player can control either a male or female bad-ass and guide them through a terrifying
action/adventure. If that sounds exactly like Resident Evil, then maybe you're
forgetting about the frightening smile. |
Summer 99 |
Sword of God & The Wondrous Chivalry |
Sega |
This is actually being released for the "Popular In Japan" Sega
Saturn. Here's a direct quote:
"you play as a chivalry, and take an adventure to battle against the evil force with
3 female characters, there are many adventure elements and love themes in the game"
I imagine there's a pretty good chance that the 3 female characters are school age and one
of the love themes is seeing their panties. |
March 4, 99 |