
Thresh Saves Gaming! 1999-12-29 Chet |
Thresh (One of the most-widely known names on the Internet
according to his ego) has once again saved gaming from being pigeonholed as geek only fun.
Thresh clearly shows that gaming is also home of the egotistically insane . From his
own special brand of ESP to saving homeless kids with Quake, Thresh shows his ego and
insanity know no bounds.
The "Master of the Virtual Universe" takes a quick timeout from bragging about
his gaming exploits to brag about his other conquests. He is dating "Miss
Chinatown San Francisco 1994" and has his own trading card. Oddly the
article makes no mention of his being asked to do a Playgirl shoot. The rumors about
his shortcomings and refusal to do the Playgirl photo shoot may have finally gotten this
tidbit dropped from his standard interview brag list.
Thresh doesn't keep the insanity to himself. Simon de Montigny from Montreal chimes
in with his own insanity, "(Thresh's success) means computer gaming is on the way
to becoming a full 'sport' like chess." Has Canada sunken so low to
declare Chess a sport? Out of the thousands of emails that Thresh receives everyday,
this is the best quote they could find?It is time to start taking the bets on which
gaming ego makes it to Letterman first, Billy "so wicked I didn't mail the shirt I
said I would" Wilson or Thresh. |

Is thresh too sexy
for this chair?

After Desert Storm trading cards do we really need Thresh Trading cards?
| Gabriel Knight: Scariest Game Ever! 1999-12-19 Chet | I first saw it in a nightmare. |
I don't fear much.
I fear that my Aibo
is not Y2K compliant and will die a horrible Y2K death and I fear fatties might squash the
first amendment. Not much else. I have only one fear that gives me nightmares.
It has been my secret fear. Since it has now been included in a game, I will reveal
At least twice a year- I am at an event or party and I see someone I loosely know.
Maybe it is a guy from work or a guy I met at the last party. He sees me and we are
close. I extend my hand in the classic western handshake - I look down - his
hand is either in a fist or is making a complicated one handed shadow puppet - I stutter -
I sweat - what in the hell am I supposed to do? I have never taken this class
and they don't mail me the handbook.
I have seen two complete strangers walk up to each other and do a complicated 5 minute
handshake as if they had practiced it for days. I have tried to fake it and do my
own and look distressed that my partner doesn't know it... doesn't work. Somewhere
these guys are getting their monthly handshaking guidelines. This is a secret
society that I am not invited to join.
Gabriel Knight 3 brings this terror to gaming. GK3 doesn't let us in on the secret
of where to learn these handshakes but it does make you go through a complicated handshake
after watching some pixilated hands perform the shake. If I can't do it in real
life, how am I going to do it here? Damn them. Damn them to hell.
Thankfully you can just skip the handshake. Even better you can just not buy Gabriel
"to get mustache hair I must make a cat run through a tape loop" Knight 3. |
The Terror

(Click on pic for larger view)

MS approved Handshake

Bunnies and pigs know how to shake hands, why don't we?
| Lara Croft Final Revelation (She is too old) 1999-12-14 Chet | The full article in the NY Post is located here. I
found out about this from a post in our
forums. |

The old, older Lara

The new, younger Lara?
Lockley, 28, one of the men behind the Tomb Raider Series, was arrested late last week at
the Regent's Hotel in London. Lockley was busted after contacting an undercover policeman,
who he asked to find a nine-year-old girl to have sex with an unnamed third person.
Master Lockley has been suspended from Core pending further investigation. |
| Sucking It Down 1999-12-09 Chet | Special Olympic sized thanks to VGN and the smoking gun and our old,
as in aged, pal JoeK. |
Not content to have his picture listed next to the phrase
"coming this Christmas" in our annotated talking dictionary, John Romero and his
revolving door staff of dedicated hobbyists are officially staking their claim on
any idiotic statement that makes it past all the descending Snickers bars to emerge from
their chocolate-smeared mouths. God help us all, they have trademarked the phrase "suck it down". If
you ever need a comprehensive list of every product ever created, simply cut-and-paste the
index of items that Ion's lawyers have reserved as their exclusive "suck it
down" imprinting domain. I did find a potential loophole under International
Class 021:
plastic and glass ornaments, not including Christmas tree
I was already on the phone to Taiwan, ordering 500,000 "suck it down" baby
jesuses, when erik discovered this entry in
International Class 028:
Christmas tree ornaments
You win this time, hombre. I hope you had the foresight to
trademark "Daikatana: one star out of five" before reviewers co-opt it.
After some frantic phone calls to our lawyer, J. David Ingersoll,
we'd like to suggest that Ion Storm abandon any plans to manufacture or distribute
"Tom Vykruta's mother is a cunt" legwarmers, global computer networks, beverage
insulators, sports helmets, educational publications, or, especially, holders for facial
For those of you interested in doing some further research:
What the hell is Quintibion?
What is this game? |
Daikatana's competition for most maligned game of
the Millenium: Vib Ribbon

Too crazy to use somone else's engine, Team Vib Ribbon created their own, borrowing
heavily from the Seanbaby reader comics page.

The ghost of missed Christmas past.
| Anagrams For The Rest Of Us 1999-12-07 Erik | J Moron Hero, make way for the smart humor. |
| I'm famous. I don't mean to sound
conceited, but I am famous.
To put it in terms more palatable to the lower classes who are only capable of absorbing
information when it rhymes: I'm more famous
than John Stamos - I mean now, not at the height of his fame. For those of you that
still need to muddle through each pathetic, fameless day gripping your worthless high
school diplomas secure in the knowledge that the thousands of hours you spent sort of
learning French and Science make you better than the average illiterate working man, I can
offer only this advice: don't fully explore level Q3DM19 of the monster hit game Quake 3 Arena. Just
don't, that's all I'm saying. If you want to continue to feel good about your
hard-won but ultimately anonymous existence, just skip that level entirely. Come to
think of it, I'm more than regular
famous; I'm one of the special, single-name celebrities like Charo and God and Frankenstein.
Yet with all my fame and
heavy connections, nobody at Origin
had the common decency to include me in the industry-wide memo that informed famous
heavy-hitters of the fact that Ultima IX is broken and should not be
As a result, guess who payed for Ultima IX? Me. And guess who's going to pay for
making me pay for Ultima IX? Lord British.
This is the point where I would normally take a phrase and cleverly turn
it to make it more foul-mouthed and punch-centric. For instance: I'm gonna put
fifty bucks of fat into your fucking lip, British.
If there's one thing funnier than punching, it's punching a forty year old
man wearing a crown. And if that man just stole fifty bucks from you and everyone
you know, including sick children, then it might just transcend mere comedy and become
something magical, like vigilante justice.
However, our shift supervisor at UGO feels that all our "punch and fuck" humor appeals mainly
to people living below the poverty line and not to the coveted demographic of super-smart
adventure game types with a strong desire to spend their disposable income on detailed
instructions for viewing "Tomb Raider's" tit-like cubes. He suggested that
we try some "classy and intelligent" humor, such as anagrams.
After some research, I've discovered that nothing says "punch me
before I talk about Linux" like anagrams. I enjoy the general broken English
vibe of anagrams - foreigners = funny- but I really hate the headache-generating rule
that you have to rearrange the existing letters of a word to form these funny
phrases. I don't want to do that. Nobody
I know wants to do that. So I've invented a new form of wordgame for people who
aren't fucking geniuses that I call Cramagrams. I named it Cramagrams because when
some bearded stinkpit wearing a potato-chip stained User Friendly T-shirt and fat pants
whines that your work isn't really an anagram, you can tell him no, it's a
Cramagram. When he asks what that is, you tell him it's just like an anagram except
you're going to cram your foot up his ass. If your life is anything like Sanford
and Son, he'll probably say "Well, I never" at which point you should consider
replying "and with that distended belly, you never will." Then cram your
foot up his ass.
Anyway, here's how it works:
Pick a word or phrase to be "rearranged". In the rough
street-inspired parlance of Cramagrams, this is called the "motherfucking
Cramagrams borrows the concept of "buying a vowel" from TV's
Wheel of Fortune, with the following two modifications: your purchase doesn't have to be a
vowel and you don't have to actually buy it. In other words, simply replace the
motherfucking determinant with any phrase you want. As long as it sounds like it
could be a clever anagram, you win! That's the "motherfucking magic of
Cramagrams!" [Note to id software: ŽŠ - ed.]
The third rule of Cramagrams is that you don't talk about Cramagrams.
It's really more of a personality test than a word game. Explain the rules
only if somebody's uptight enough to point out that your found poetry isn't a proper
anagram. The explanation can help pass the time as the fire department is uncramming
your foot from his ass.
Here's a sample:
Ultima IX: Ascension
Don't work? Tuf!
I rip u off
pewter ankh. bah!
buy fast car! thanx!
L Brit: crowny fag
Cloth map? wipe ass!
boo hoo TNT
Money where? In toilet?
If anybody has Lord British's email address, home address, or phone
address, please forward it to me. I don't
know about the rest of you, but I'm getting my money back. If you're Lord British
and you're reading this: you and your boyfriend Chuckles better enjoy my fifty bucks while
you can, jerkoff. If you're Chris Roberts: you and your boyfriend Lord British
better enjoy my $7.50 while you can, asswipe, because, now that I think about it, I want
my Wing Commander The Shitty Movie money back, too.
| Quake 3 Arena: The Lawsuit 1999-12-05 Erik | Thanks to id software for being so stupid as to basically hand us their reputed one million dollar fortune. |
| With history just three short weeks from its fiery
conclusion, there are a few things of which we're certain. If you call the Cleveland
Police Department and ask if they're hiring any Timecops, they won't think it's
funny. If you try to sell yourself by assuring the desk sergeant that you've already
got your "own gun. In my car," it'll definitely just make her madder.
I know this because Chet knows this, and because we've done it twice a week since
May. Another thing we've known is that if a package ever arrived from id Software,
the correct response would be to smell it for signs of human feces then dunk it in water. All
our preparations - the drills, diagrams, hypothetical escape routes, and ingestion of
dangerous amounts of prohormone muscle building powders - paid off handsomely on Friday
when a package actually did arrive from id Software. After a three hour battery of
tests and some frantic, tearful calls to our arch-nemesis, the grouchy Cleveland Police,
we were relieved to discover the box contained nothing more menacing than a battered and
soggy copy of id's Unreal Tournament clone, Quake 3 Arena.
Not particularly interested in playing the game, we immediately set to the business of
burning copies for distribution overseas. Chet must have accidently installed and
launched it, though, because the tranquil whirring sound of our CD writing equipment was
interrupted by his cries of shock and humiliation. I grabbed my smelling salts and
ran to his aid, only to discover this image emlazoned on his monitor and now branded
permanently onto the insides of my eyelids:

This isn't some kind of Gates McFadden blowing Captain Picard fakeout job, this is for
real - search q3dm19. Our first response? Deal with it the same way we handle
all of life's trials: call 911. Not surprisingly, they were no help and were, in
fact, dismissive and mean. "911 is a joke in my town," I
said. Chet motioned for me to hand him the phone. "Fuck tha
poe-lees" he told the 911 lady. There was a moment of silence during which we
both wracked our brains for another rap-inspired law enforcement epithet. I finally
settled on "you're the Grinch that stole justice!" but by then I was
sobbing at a dialtone.
Generally, our second response to adversity is suing and lots of it. And I think
this time we're in the right both ethically and legally. That logo is
copyrighted material. How would id like it if we released a game called Doom 3 that
was actually just a box we made containing a burned copy of Quake 2? No need to
guess, they didn't like it very much. But how is this any different? Maybe
they should just call the game Old Man Murray Arena. Only then they'd be twice as
sued as they currently are.
The upside to all this is that id is no penniless group of dopers and submarine rejects
like, say, Monolith. Sanity could be nothing more than a screen
depicting Chet's social security number and home address typed in a circle around our
trademarked Marvin head with the results of my monthly HIV testing scrolling across the
bottom, and what would we stand to gain from a lawsuit? A pallet stacked with unsold
copies of Odium, probably. When a company such as id enters into a
conspiracy to enact chicanery on your copyright, it's like winning the lottery. The
next time you see someone daintily stepping out of his Ferrari, wearing a baggy fur track
suit and unaware of the effect his lordly display of emerald necklaces hung from his ten
normal fingers plus his golden extra robot finger is having on all the fine, foxy people,
it won't be Dennis "Thresh" Fong, it'll be motherfucking me. Unless he's
also wearing a monocle, owns three jet skis, and is dating his butler, Latin pop sensation
Charo, in which case it's Chet.
And in case you think we can't succeed against a powerhouse such as id, here is a copy
of the out-of-court settlement we received from the even more powerful Cendant software
(former owners of Sierra) who we sued over some comments and menacing erotic gestures made
by Jane "the other Roberta Williams" Jensen.

Note the amount: 2/3 of the complete number of the Beast. We tried
to get the full six dollars and sixty-six cents, but couldn't quite swing it. It was
a moral victory, mostly.
| Dennis "Thresh" Fong Shows Why You Need $11 million To Open A Gaming Portal 1999-11-24 Chet | Thresh gets ready to opens the worlds first second
gaming portal; more. |
| When we received our small in comparison sum from UGO,
we quickly spent it on a massage therapist that had worked with coma patients.
Nothing like sleeping through an "exhausting" 8-hour workout. My rock hard
pecs and washboard abs excited me at first, but now I think we wasted our money. While
still just previewing his site gamers.com,
Thresh out did us by spending his money to find a gamer named "pooh" and interviewing her.
What can we say? Bravo, young sir. You have beaten us at our own game.
The best we could come up with was a Sony Executive named Gayman. You are truly a master
of gaming. Your venture capitalists should be sleeping well this Thanksgiving Eve knowing
you are spending their investment wisely.

Thresh, Pooh and Satan at T3.
| Holy Crap 1999-11-22 Erik | Messiah demo is released. |
| Shiny Entertainment's Messiah demo was
released this weekend and, in prime Messianic form, was both inscrutable and crazy.
Congrats especially to the QA team that let it go out with a
black-screened two minute pause at startup, which caused us to three times deny that it
was actually loading before finally discovering the solution (thanks to Marvin Sedate.) Before your
head turns purple and little spit bubbles form at the corners of your mouth, we know it's
a "compatibility test" - euphemistic millennial doublespeak for
"demo". We can hear the complaints of developers
now: "you're unhappy if you're forced wait for the game and you're unhappy if we
release a buggy version early." To which we respond: hah, ha. We
remember hearing about Shiny's Messiah from our parents long before we were aware of the Christian
version. So pardon our disappointment when, after all this time and
devotion, we just get crap. Crap incarnate, but crap nonetheless. We were
promised Christ and instead got some kind of crummy, Lubavitcher Rebbe messiah
booby-prize. Where are the the phenomenal, load balanced, intricately detailed
character models? We know the one place you shouldn't look: in the game.
Meanwhile, a better and smaller demo was released at almost the same
time and deserves more attention than it's getting: Muckyfoot's Urban Chaos.
It's a Final Fight for the new Millennium.
One more thing: When we finally got Messiah to load, we noticed this message:

We uploaded all of Voodoo Extreme to the address listed in the demo,
thus stripping ownership of the site from Billy 'Stupid' Wilson and
ending our war. Thanks to all involved and special thanks to God
for being so clearly on our side.
| Marvin Sedate: Addendum 1999-11-19 Marvin | Billy Wilson (*spoiler alert!*): Did you know they haven't cured Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease by 2015? I'm just saying that because it may become real relevant to you on June 17th of that year. |
| I've received a few questions regarding Marvin Sedate. Most
frequently asked is "Why doesn't it ever update?" You've probably
bookmarked the wrong page. Make sure you bookmark http://www.oldmanmurray.com/marvinsedate.wcs.
For various futuristic reasons beyond your comprehension, this page redirects you
to another page not suitable for bookmarking. One question, or perhaps it's more of a
comment or a threat, comes from Billy 'Stupid' Wilson himself:
If there is anything cut and pasted,
we will follow up with our lawyers for any copyright violation (fyi).
Billy "Wicked" Wilson
Web chump at the only honey-roasted gaming news site:9 "Driving Aloud (Radio
Storm)" by Robyn Hitchcock & The Egyptians
It doesn't seem very sporting to bring your lawyer attachment to a battle of wits, but
so be it. Nobody ever accused you of sex crimes against a child's corpse - well, not
by the year 1999 (fyi) - and nobody ever ends up accusing you of playing fair.
You may very well destroy us with the law and its bias against those of us whose
conscience guides our actions. We'll take that risk and shut the site down rather
than submit to you . If what we've done is illegal, then maybe the law is wrong
because the community is better for our work. We'd like to see you prove
your case in court. Though, if it comes to that, you'll have to email us all the
details because we'll be in Canada. But, seeing as you're now owned
by Eidos, you may someday feel the icy grip of Todd Porter on your
ass and reconsider having killed us. Or maybe you'll just do a little extra hot
monkey pasting from Tomb Raider 5 press release #17 - I'm not sure since, local police
blotter mentions and time and gruesome manner of death aside, history has forgotten the
details of your life and of your spicy love twinkie.
On an unrelated note, I wanted to respond to a bumper sticker I saw today that read
"You can't hug children with nuclear arms." I hope I'm not giving too much
away, but you morons aren't going to beat the Chinese in WW3 with hugs.
| All The News That Fits In My Paste Buffer 1999-11-18 Marvin | Marvin creates pimp-free news zone! |
| Here's a piece of mail I
received from one of our readers, KornRocks666_72:
Hey Marvin,
I'm eleven years old and you rock! I espeshilly liked when you called that guys moms
a cunt! Damn your mean!!!! What'es the diffrence between Saving Private Ryan
and Voodoo Extreme?
Well KR666_72, as I see it Saving Private Ryan is Steven Spielberg's stunning Word War
II masterpiece, while Voodooo Extreme is just fucking stupid. I hope that answers
your question!
Several smarter sounding readers have also written to express their delight at our use
of the word 'cunt', especially when employed as a metaphor for Tom Vykruta's mother.
Other readers have asked why we're so mean and what I have against Voodoo Extreme.
Addressing the question of our meanness: I'm from the future, where
everything is better. And I mean everything. Cardboard? Indestructible
and can sing. Mummies? No longer such a problem. Retards? Smarter
than your Dr. Spock, and indestructible and can sing. So you can probably understand
why I'm so frustrated. Not a day goes by that I don't command some clerk or vice
president of marketing to "Electro Extrude 4000 me that fax" only to remember
where I am and have to tell him to "just fax me the fax... caveman." Chet
and erik, not from the future, are mean simply because they're mental defectives.
As to my hatred of Voodoo Extreme - doesn't everyone in your time despise these idiots?
They adequately perform the menial cut and paste labor too distasteful and mundane
for the rest of us, but then have the gall to pollute the appropriated content with their
dimwitted pimp talk. Generally, I accept your world's stupidity with superior
indifference. Occasionally, I will stoop to calling one of you a fruit.
Unfortunately for Billy 'Stupid' Wilson, one of his "crack!" ctrl-c/ctrl-v
"monkeys!" (dumbo codename: 'Octane') sent one of our readers the following
critique of erik's Roberta Williams retrospective:
We wouldn't post that article because its nothing but a bunch of flaming
shit. The whole article sounds like some dumb 13 year old kid venting because his mommy
wouldn't let him stay out past bedtime or something...
I'm sure erik's piece wasn't as clever as most of Octane's contributions to Voodoo
Extreme - pasting the middle two paragraphs of the readme.txt packaged with the most
recent Drakan patch for instance. But erik is a special guy and it's my job
to defend him. So as a vengeful act of community service, I've created an
intelligent agent that monitors Voodoo Extreme in real time
and reports on each of its updates - but strips out the
cruddy, embarrassing, michael-jackson-jacket-wearing pimp talk!
You get only the straight facts that VE creatively yanked from someplace else. No
need to thank me. I didn't do it for you, fruity. Go knock yourself out:
And remember: it's updated every ten minutes, so check back often!