
Now Official: Dukes Of Hazzard To Be Best Game Ever 1999-09-30 Staff | We're actually not making this up, at least the last half or so. |
| While we're thrilled about the Peabody Award we won for calling
Tom Vykruta's mother a cunt, we were a little
down yesterday. Maybe it's natural post-Drakan Week depression, but it felt as if we
were just trudging and trudging up a long spiral staircase. What awaited us at the
summit? Death. Or so erik kept saying all day, over and over again like some
kind of retarded Nick Cave. It was around the five hundredth time one of us asked
the other "Why is it so dark in here? I can't see anything. Wait, I think
I see something! Oh, it's death." that we discovered the Dukes of Hazzard game
footage and deliverance. Sometime last night, an anonymous representative of South Peak Interactive (perhaps learning from the mistakes of the Dharma and Greg motherfuckers that haunt the
European offices of Psygnosis) decided to play
ball and leaked us a shot of Dukes of Hazzard offering conclusive evidence that it will be
the best game ever. If we were just slightly more idiotic than we actually are, we
might describe the screenshot as "dialed" or "glazed" or some other
term appropriated from our magical donut making negro elders. Instead, we've
gone the extra mile and created a new, honky-centric catchphrase that will soon be
sweeping the Web: Now that's a meniscus!

Instead of having you ride a dragon, which if you think about it for two seconds is
pretty stupid, a dragon will ride on the General Lee! Our source tells us South Peak
has a team of artists working round the clock to make the dragon look "less gay"
before release. We're going to be following the Dukes of Hazzard game closely.
| Best Game Ever Since That Japanese Game A Few Days Ago 1999-09-29 Staff | 
click on Uncle Jesse
| Drakan Week Ends? 1999-09-27 Staff | Stop carving dragons on the pumpkins, the party is over. |
| We admit to having talked with
Surreal. With thought we understood that our "gift" was in the mail. We
were beginning to wrap up Drakan week. Then we got an email. I think it might be
time to take down the Drakan Week decorations.
Here is the email and our response.
| A Plea to Our Surgardaddies 1999-09-26 Staff | A very special episode of OldManMurray. |
A sleazy entrepreneur tried to make a quick buck by
auctioning off Jeffrey Dahmer's possessions. Victim's families were outraged that someone
would try to profit from such an ugly crime. A rich businessman stepped in and
bought the items and destroyed them.
When David Berkowitz tried to cash in on his fame by writing a book, a law was enacted to
stop criminals from collecting such profits - "the Son of Sam law."
The criminally unfunny "comic" strip User Friendly has decided to try and cash in
on their crimes. They are auctioning off
a signed copy of their upcoming book creatively named, "User Friendly: The Comic
Thankfully, due to the Son of Sam Law they cannot profit directly from this auction.
All proceeds will be run through a
shill company then forwarded to Illiad, the strip's creator and head
We are asking that one of our Richie-Rich readers put their millions to good use.
Please win the UF auction. Donate the book to us and we will destroy it
and document the destruction on this very web site. Please, comics this unfunny
cannot go unpunished. |

Sunday's User Friendly comic. Seemed familiar to me. But I
remembered something funny...

Bloom County's Bill the Cat. When you run out of Unix jokes you can always
just steal...
Are comics supposed to be

Where is the humor in the above sample UF?
Possible answer 1: In a previous shitty strip all the computers were switched over
to Linux. The opening frame can then be interpreted as a slam against Linux since
they are "upgrading" to NT, not "downgrading". This would then
explain the final frame in which the sadistic part would be the original switch from NT to
Linux. Not out and out funny, but sort of ironic.
Possible answer 2: The hard drive makes extra noises while installing NT. This is a
slam against NT and a nod to Linux. NT needs to be installed on the hard drive for
it to work, whereas Linux just magically appears one day. The joke here is
Microsoft. Get it? I have another one, Bill Gates!
Hahahahaheheh! What is he, on crack! Oh my side is splitting. Word for
Windows! Ba-bing - Thank you! Yikes, I hope that warm liquid running down my
leg is just pissy smelling water. That is funny stuff. Funny, funny, funny. |
| We Respond To Reader Demands 1999-09-25 Staff | We'd like a give a shoutout to all the readers and Drakan. |
| Yesterday's
caricature story resulted in a flood of emails requesting we post a non-caricatured
painting or snapshot of Chet and Erik somewhere on the site. Because our dear
readers top our "thoughts and prayers" chart at #2 (second only to the world's
children), and also as a required part of getting our ISO9001 certification, we've added
such a photograph to our contact page.
| Tragedy+Time=Comedy. Drakan Week+Angel Dust=Tragedy. 1999-09-24 Erik | As per usual, things have turned ugly. |
| Usually when we
choose to drink, we drink a liquid form of PCP and spend a quiet evening breaking each
other's legs and robbing convenience stores armed only with one butcher knife between us.
Last night, prepared to have ourselves just such an evening in celebration of
Drakan's unprecedented #2 position on the August Softrend chart, we knocked back a few
empty frosting containers full of angel dust and waited for the onset of some festive
irregular heartbeats. Office jokester Tony must have spiked our hog with booze,
however, because instead of the expected fluctuating body temperature, nausea, and
incredibly cool loss of our gag reflex, we got way drunk and, frankly, out of control.
It sounds trite, but Chet was convinced he could fly. "Like a
Dragon!" he kept telling me. While talking him out of killing himself, I
mistakenly persuaded him that I was the one who could fly, at which point he
shoved me out a window. I don't remember anything else.
I woke up this morning, face pointed towards the ceiling, on top of what
definitely felt like an ice cold person. I crossed my fingers and rolled over,
hoping to God we hadn't killed a child or a whore or someone's pet ape. It turns out
I was lying on top of Chet and he was only almost dead. Looking around, I didn't see
any other bodies - either whole or how they sometimes are in lots of little parts -
and I breathed a very, very shallow sigh of relief so as not to irritate my broken ribs.
I went to the bathroom to put my eye back in straight using the mirror as a guide,
and discovered the evidence of what actually happened. A few times, maybe twice, our
drug induced psychosis has reached levels so toxic that we go to the mall and purchase
custom caricatures. From the looks of it, we must have come very close to dying last
night because we got the grandaddy of all custom caricatures:

Oh Christ, that's me, the cast of Star Trek 7, and Chet playing soccer
against Levelord. Adding insult to injury, we must have demanded the artist top it
off with what at the time seemed like a spectacularly hilarious quote from Austin
Powers. I look sort of African-American because after I drink enough, I like to put
on blackface and go serenade people at the mall. I vaguely remember Chet waving the
butcher knife around and screaming for the terrified caricaturist to "Make my head
bigger, you ass. And put me in a little truck! ... Littler you idiot."
Anyway, we're kind of Drakan'ed out at the moment, but that shouldn't keep
you from enjoying the rest of Drakan Week.
| Sega Dreamcast To Get Greatest Game Ever Since Drakan! 1999-09-23 Erik | I don't know
what this game is called, or what exactly it's about. I know some hello kitty
backpack wearing descendent of the guy that shot my grandfather must have been monitoring
my most secret dreams, because there they all are, right in this game. Here's a movie of it in
action (Make sure you have the latest QuickTime,
QuickTime will not auto suggest an update, it will error out. Once you have the new
one installed, it will ask you to upgrade every 10 minutes.)
| Drakan Special Insert!! 1999-09-22 Staff | A special gift from our very own Marvin! |
| Marvin was
deeply moved by the press releases of Drakan. He took his feelings and expressed
them in his favorite art form; fan fiction. Marvin invites you to stop by his Drakan Fan Fiction page and read his first tries at this ancient
art form.
| Drakan Week Begins 1999-09-21 Staff | It's time to finally make some money. |
| We're making
some positive changes. Read about them here.
The week's festivities:
Monday - Slept late. Drakan week delayed one day.
Tuesday - Mission statement and open letter to Psygnosis.
Wednesday - Drakan long review.
Thursday - Asheron's call beta log featuring Drakan.
Delayed until Saturday.
Friday - Special Drakan Guestbook.
Saturday - Meet with legal team.
Sunday - Church
Monday - Check better fucking arrive from Psygnosis.
| Mushroom Parody Makes Mushroom Obsolete 1999-09-08 Staff | The Mushroom (URL
misplaced - ed) successfully reverse-parodied The
Onion by adopting the satirical weekly's look while remaining grimly and steadfastly
unfunny. In a bold move, newcomer The
Smoking Gun has reverse-reverse-parodied The Mushroom and created what - true to the
long tradition of twice reversed satire - is a funny site. We'd like to thank Kevin
Murphy, Rob Budrick, and the rest of the outgoing staff of The Mushroom for the many fits
of unamused silence they've provided us all over the last several months.