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Decline Of Civilization: Non-Violent Video Games Also To Blame 1999-09-07 Erik
In gun-free Japan, lunatics must resort to slow, painful killing techniques such as neck stabbing.  Saw this here.

July 23, 1999: Minutes after an All Nippon Airways jumbo jet took off from Tokyo's Haneda Airport, a 28-year-old Tokyo man pulled an 8-inch knife on a flight attendant. He forced his way into the cockpit, told the co-pilot to leave, stabbed Capt. Naoyuki Nagashima in the neck and shoulder, then took control of the aircraft. At one point the plane plunged to within 300 meters of the ground. The co-pilot and two ANA employees stormed the cockpit and overpowered the man. A non-uniformed pilot reportedly landed the plane safely, but Captain Nagashima bled to death. The suspect later told investigators he liked to play flight simulation games and wanted to fly a real plane.

Romero To Gamers: "How's Daikatana?  Umm...  Look!  KillCreek's Tit!" 1999-09-04 Erik
What do I love most about women?  I guess if I had to pick just one thing, it would be all the naked pictures of them.
Sometimes after an evening spent enjoying a few of my favorite single player drinking games such as "Fast Drinker Deluxe" and "Schnapps Commander" I imagine what it would be like to always wonder whether or not every person I meet during a typical day had just finished jerking off to photographs of my vagina.  What for me is idle conjecture will soon be a real concern for Ion Storm level designer Stevie "KillCreek" Case who announced this week that she will be collaborating with Playboy Enterprises, Inc. to create and sell snapshots of her large boobs.  I think I "speak" for Chet, Marvin, the U.S. Postal Service, and Adrian Carmack when I stand straight up and begin to slowly, deliberately clap.  Bravo, girlfriend.  Since Stevie's obviously aware that Playboy is primarily a masturbation tool for men, I hope she won't feel any less empowered when I respectfully request she include a few shots of her ass.  And if she could make sure that her ass is glistening with sweat or water from a hose, that would be great. 

If the thought that Levelord will inevitably put Ms. Case's side project to its intended use creeps her out, I apologize.  If it causes her to reconsider, I apologize even more stridently and, quite sincerely, take everything back.   I wish I hadn't put that Levelord image in your head, Stevie.  Allow me to rebut myself by telling you that the very attractive Paul Steed will probably yank himself senseless.  In fact - to paraphrase a cartoon I read once - picture him, cock in one hand, hand workout device in the other, screaming "John Carmack, come quick!  I jerked it right off!" 

In case you're wondering what patriarchy-inverting, beauty-myth smashing activities and promotions KillCreek has in store past her fuck-book debut, I've come up with a few suggestions:

Peeing while standing has been the exclusive domain of men since the sea-penis flew out the boiling pre-historic ocean and attached itself to a male monkey's urine spout.  What can a woman do to even the odds?  Cut off a man's penis, and he just grows another.  So if you can't "beat 'em", "join 'em!" - pee standing up using one of several commercially available devices such as the "TravelMate" pictured at left.  I think it would be a great KillCreek endorsement for many reasons, not least of which is that it might involve pictures of her using it.

Has there ever been a greater enemy of women than the human penis?   Though it has been both feared and worshipped throughout the ages, modern polymer science has now created an inflatable novelty version suitable for punching.  In my proposed ad, KillCreek is pictured having just convinced Latino gender-traitor John Romero to take a swing at it.  Note Todd Porter's faggy delight.
"Go for the tit!  The tit, you idiot!" I imagine I'd scream were I to attend an exhibition of my proposed wymyn's topless boxing league starring KillCreek.  Who would have thought men would someday become obsolete even for boxing?   Not me, but here we are, as they say.

Our Marvin Grabs At A New Opportunity! 1999-09-03 Chet
Marvin was slightly influenced by a chat log he read on hulka.com
Not willing to sit by while others in the community do what they can to get ahead, Marvin has taken his first steps to a career in the recording industry.   Marvin was the author of the theme song for our American McGee's Alice Piece.   Realizing he needed to capitalize on the positive response to his music, Marvin has offered his song to mp3.com.  He has also created his own special page on our site.  Marvin has assured us that his new career will not influence his work ethic in anyway.  To quote Marvin, "Quit being such goddamn fruits, it's not like I was writing anything new anyway. Tell the fruits that read your page to go to my   mp3.com page and listen to the long version of my song."  Good luck, Marvin.

More Asheron Call Beta Play! 1999-09-02 Chet
I role play without handcuffs for the first time.
An experiment in role playing  in  the second installment of the Asheron Call Beta Log, available here.

Asheron Calls Us For Beta Play! 1999-08-18 Chet
We actually play a game.  Well, I do at least.
Hi, I'm a sailor. Are you a sailor too? I have a beauty mark and I'm wearing mascara.Both erik and I hate Ultima Online.   We both became bored with EverQuest.  But I finally realized what they were both missing:  I could never have a character with a beauty mark.   Microsoft has changed this with the beta version of Asheron's Call.  Immensely fat characters are still unavailable, but hey that's why it's a beta test.  I am going to keep a running log of my beta testing so others can see what they will soon be hooked on.  Check out my Asheron's Call Beta Log for all the latest info

Kiss Our Grits!   No, Wait...  Suck Our Grits! 1999-08-16 Staff
That's much edgier.  Also edgy: if Wonderland had lots of Asian neon signs and steam.
Like you, we were baffled by American Mcgee's Alice.  The one thing we knew for sure after visiting the official site was that the University of Getting Fired From id had graduated another self-proclaimed genius.   First Romero, now McGee: Not since the Manhatten Project have so many "sick and brilliant" minds conspired to create such giant, expensive bombs.  If designing a competent quake level is all it takes to declare oneself some kind of prodigious savant, then guess who else qualifies?  Believe it or not, Levelord.  But still, the question remains: What is American McGee's Alice?  At first we thought it might have something to do with the opium-induced fantasy stories Victorian pornographer Lewis Carroll wrote to convince children to have sex with him.  But then we read that McGee planned to take his mysterious source material and make it "edgy."  Creating an on edge variation of Carroll's violent, bizarre work would be pointless - like filming an "edgy" remake of Taxi Driver.  Not to mention that everyone in the world lost interest in hearing about the latent nightmarishness of Alice on September 17, 1865, four days after the book was released.  McGee - who marketing experts at Electronic Arts have described as "brilliant" - is obviously aware of these facts, so we knew his inspiration could not be Alice in Wonderland.  At this point, and after flash4 crashed my workstation, I was ready to give up and forget about the whole thing.   Chet is not so easily discouraged, however.  Bafflement, in fact, makes him angry.  He began screaming threats and his head turned purple. Thinking quickly, I called EA and pointed the phone at Chet's mouth.  Within minutes we not only had the whole story, we scored the world's first American McGee's Alice screenshots, the edgy theme music, and news of what sick, brilliant projects are next for the reclusive genius.  In case you haven't clicked here yet, click here.

American McGee Keeps Impressing The Kids With Lack Of Content. 1999-08-13 Chet
Marvin sent it in a bouquet of flowers, or I saw it on Voodoo Extreme
First, I would like to apologize for the lack of updates lately.  Erik and I have both been working hard on Erik's new TV gig.  Erik appeared on MTV's "Scared Straight."  Not wanting to break the racial harmony on the show, Erik was forced to wear his hat low, and sit in the back.  He is the one who keeps saying "Fucker" or "Fuck."  You can't  miss him.  It was exciting, but now I am back at the home office, and Erik is back in his cell.  The updates are also back.
American McGee has once again trumpeted his upcoming game by not releasing any new screenshots or specs.  His idea is of a "press release" is to show a boring Flash presentation.
"You visited once to my world of absurd,
Come visit again if you have half a nerve. "
tn.jpg (13973 bytes)Half a nerve?  Is that the same half that occasionally makes me click on the flash version of Ionstorm's web site? (Do I really want to have to reboot my PC just to see the new Flash 4 version of Ionstorm's web site?)  Not since I kicked Ted Nugent's ass and made him dress up in a bear costume (pictured right), have I been this sick of tough guys and their tough browser plugins.   If the update today/tomorrow is just more Flash, I say we hunt down McGee and show him some oldstyle, big house DeathMatch, sans the bear costume.
Why pick on American McGee?  I searched on "+"American McGee" +fired at Infoseek ", oldmanmurray is listed in the 10 results this search pulls up even though we have never reported on McGee's being fired from Id.  I don't know about you, but I don't screw with fate.  I am putting this up so the time travelers can find this piece where they expect it

Cliff "To Die For" Bleszinski 1999-08-07 Chet
Who loves you baby?  Cliff does.
Tiger Beat, Here I Come!!Epicgames wonder kid Cliff Bleszinski feels your pain.  He has opened a new website called www.hellmouth.org
"The purpose of this website is to give a voice to the thousands of kids that are abused every day, as well as drawing attention to the parents and administrators who ignore this abuse in the hope that something will be done. If this website makes one tortured kid feel better, or makes one administrator or parent intervene in abuse, then it has served its purpose. "
There are only a few stories of abuse up, but from the looks of it this site will have a powerful impact.  Here is a bit from one story on the site:
"I am in the 11th grade and all of the kids pick on me.   I try and tell them that I work at a big game company, and all they do is push me around and knock my books down.  One kid knows where I work, and he comes up behind me and yells, "Jazz the Jackrabbit Sucks!" in my ear.  It hurts, and I drop my books.  I try and tell my mom but she just ignores me. I don't know what to do.   My new game is getting overlooked by the gaming press.  No one knows my pain."
Cliff, thanks for the site.  While my school years did not mirror your own, I too had concerns and problems.  In my junior year, I had to juggle being president of the debate team, fencing team, chess club, science club, French club, and class vice president.  It hurt only being class vice president.  It hurt deep.  My senior year was even harder.  Every girl in my class, the junior class, and some of the previously graduating seniors would sleep with me, but Ms. "Going to be a nun", would not.  Do you know the silent shame that burned through me every day knowing that this girl would choose God over me?  God does not eat pussy, but I do! How dare she ignore me.  No one said it aloud, but I could hear the taunts in my heart, "God is better than you!" These silent taunts still haunt me today.
I am sure Cliff's public forum will help further promote the USA's generally accepted psyche; "It's not my fault, someone else made me do it.  My life is miserable, no one understands, etc..."  Good work, we are all victims, and we all need a place to cry.
On a side note, dear gentle readers, Cliff is accepting stories to his site by having them emailed to his email address.  Why I am sure some of you will not be able to stop yourselves from firing off a story or two to Cliff, please do not send email his way unless you are actually sending a legit story.  His current stories of a white trash chick who can't grow upa second grader getting into a fight, and a catfight where the victim spreads a lesbo rumor are all oddly legit.  Please do not lessen the impact of  Cliff's important project by sending him an email.

System Shock 2 Demo 1999-08-03 Erik
I'm Hackin!
It's no secret that I don't like System Shock.  That single statement has generated more angry letters than anything we've ever published.   Actually, another article technically resulted in more crazy, spiteful hate mail, but all seven hundred complaints came from Tom 'Paradox' Mustaine, so breadth-of-response-wise, System Shock is still the obvious winner.  Many of  you called me a moron.  While standardized tests I took in grade school clearly support your argument, I'd like to point out that Chet also hates System Shock, and those same tests indicate that he is some kind of freakin' genius.  Maybe not a Rob Budrick grade prodigy, but plainly gifted.

We've had it up to the neural implants at the base of our skulls with all things cyber.  Don't get me wrong, we've got nothing against the future - one of our employees is from there - but is it too much to ask to put some kind of interesting spin on it?  Here are System Shock 2's key features right off the splash screen:

Hack computers, interface with security systems, activate regeneration machines, receive email!

Activate regeneration machines?  That's what they call picking up health - in the future!  Receive email?  I don't even have to haul my fat ass out of this very chair to do that for real.  What idiot thought getting email would ratchet up the fun factor?  Whoever made the decision to concentrate more on simulating email and less on snowboarding should be fired.  Let me add that in order to boot my workstation and play System Shock 2, I had to interface with the Windows NT security system, and - game developers take note - it wasn't especially riveting. 

wpe2.jpg (5117 bytes)They managed to think up futuristic names for rocket launcher ("Heat Seeking Annelid Launcher") and shank smeared with HIV laced jiz ("Viral Proliferator".)   But I guess they ran out of ideas when it came time to futurizeify the crate.   Cyber-crate?  Cubic matter container?  Box 4000?  It's not easy.

The splash screen also threatens that you may have to "watch out for terrifying apparitions! If you're brave enough to watch them!"  Being called a chicken never fails to goad me into action.  "I'm going to 'implant' my foot in your nanite expelling ass, Shodan!" I cried.  It was at this point that I looked down at my feet and realized that someone had "hacked" off my legs.  Try it yourself.  In System Shock 2, you're piloting a floating head. It's fucking weird and scary, so I quit back to windows. 

Speaking of floating heads, here's a new episode of

The Slugger!


Nice Going, Fellas 1999-07-28 Erik
Do you think Ziff-Davis doesn't read the forums?
Thanks to several loudmouths in our now actually quite popular forum section, Ziff Davis has decided that we need some help creating on-topic content.  After talking to the Old Man himself, the chubsy-ubsy muckety-mucks over at ZD have recruited two of our cousins, Andrew and Dave, to help us handle the review and preview load.  We love our cousins and fondly remember swimming in their pool when we were kids, but sort of resent the intrusion into what we still consider - even after four months of corporate ownership - our site.  We're working on setting up email addresses and official bios for the two of them.  Until we get those finished, here's Dave's new screenshot preview column

otherdukes.jpg (4571 bytes)
Coy and Vance Duke

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