
Dude, We Are So Sued 1999-06-08 Erik | This has the makings of an East Coast / West Coast Hip Hop bloodbath. |
Read this first...
We have never published any of our voluminous hate mail. Until today. Just
moments ago, Kevin Murphy, known to negroes in the 1970's as "The Man", sent me
the following cease and desist order:While it is ok that you are using the picture from our site, it's not OK
that you have libeled my staff and I. Please remove the line that says, "Actual
Unfunny site: The Mushroom (not even the stolen html is as nice.)" as none
of the HTML is stolen. The site was 100% created in Dreamweaver, with some tweaks done
manually, by me. I feel like a prick, but I know my media law, and you cannot say
that The Mushroom steals HTML without solid proof. And if you view the HTML source for
both pages, they look radically different.
I'm not sure exactly what he's trying to say. I think he's
threatening to kill chet. Since Kevin Murphy was the most feared guard in the Nazi
death camp at Treblinka and since he personally betrayed Jesus, the King of the Jews, then
killed him, we're not taking this threat lightly. Also, our lawyers have told us
that, in legalese, the second to last sentence means that OldManMurray has been declared
the official humor site of The Mushroom. We hope this endorsement prevents them from
ramming their ribbed lawyers any farther up chet's ass.
Official Humor Site Of The Mushroom |

Did The Mushroom staff gun down our 216 hassidic homeslice, DJ One Eyed Jew?
Yes - they busted an unfunny cap right in his ass.

Artist's conception of Kevin Murphy. Note stink rays emanating from head,
swastika tattoo, Hane's beefy Tee bearing his name that he received when got his Media Law
degree in the mail, and pointy teeth.
| Seanbaby To Own Bulging Crotch: Let's Go! 1999-06-08 Erik | Oh man. Now you've done it, Murph. |
In another unprecedented turn of events, my lovely boyfriend
SeanBaby has sent all of us these words of support:Feel free to
forward (not forward) this to the not geniuses (actual geniuses) at The Mushroom.
"There were plenty of Nintendo employees standing around
looking at the crowd and actually laughing at the patiently waiting group! Laughing at
Somehow, the vision of people waiting in line for stuffed toys is
funnier than anything I've ever read on their website. Shit, I wouldn't have even known
the page was trying to be funny if you hadn't told me.
"Who are you? The Mushroom? Never heard of you,"
the lady at the desk told me harshly. Why the hell should it matter whether YOU have heard
of me, lady?"
Okay, this is funny. Not the actual genius'
would-have-been-so-cool hindsight witticism, but the fact that he seems offended a desk
lady didn't read his fucking stupid home page. Obviously, she would have to be the kind of
lifeless geek that waits in line with their ass cheeks taped together for a bean-filled
creature instead of exploting the surrounding mascot tit photo opportunities. I mean, The
Mushroom is advertised on practically every pizza and chef's salad in the country. He
should have told the desk lady, "Hello? The Mushroom?! I'm sorry (not sorry), but why
don't you get with the program! I studied body language in college!"
Then watch the bitch squirm, knowing her deepest secrets could be
revealed by her tiniest movement. Such things as licking her lips, looking down at my
ample crotch, slowly gesturing at her pelvic entry hole while nodding and mouthing the
words "stick it in, Seanbaby."
Besides the frequent laughs caused by the hilarious amount of
failed humor, I came close to dying here: "I could be a writer for EGM, Gamefan, or
any other well-known publication soon."
If you think he's important now, think how much of a star he'll
be when these other well-known publications soon discover his unlimited talent!
Self-important bad writer to write weekly column about his
uninteresting adventures outside the wire tangled "Video Game Central HQ!"
basement room in his grandmother's wheelchair accessable home. Lack of humor a must!
Seanbaby |
| Dear SeanBaby: Like Levelord, I'm In Love Again And I Hate It 1999-06-05 Erik | Caution: objects in SeanBaby's
pants may appear larger than objects in your pants. |
| The Pasig river curls through
the city of Manila like a giant, bisected bowel. The Tagalog natives refer to it as
the "Shit River" and it is just that: an open sewer gooey with human waste
sometimes still wrapped in human corpses. Back in the late 70's, I was a
Marine serving in the South China Sea aboard the Navy destroyer USS Basilone. While
docked at the Subic Bay naval base, we'd often take shore leave in Manila. To get to
the whores, one had to cross any of several bridges spanning the Pasig. Lined up
beneath each bridge was inevitably a convoy of tall, brightly painted wooden skiffs each
carrying several beautiful filipino women wrapped in glittering robes. These tiny,
exquisite women would dance in place and sing to each passing serviceman as if he was
their own personal Mothra. They'd wink as flower petals blew around their feet and
giggle and we would throw money down to them. By the time we reached the bridges,
any of us that wasn't a heroin addict was already drunk, so, as often as not, the coins we
threw landed in the foul water. Each boat came equipped with two or three naked
children, one hand clutching a stick attached to a netted hoop, the other clinging to a
metal ring bolted to the hull. These kids bobbed slowly in the current, neck deep in
the Shit River. Every time money landed in the water, one of the boys would
disengage from the boat, dive into the sewage and reemerge grinning with the precious
American currency; the city's greenish-brown discharge running down his face in thick
rivulets. I was reading the amazing, colossal SeanBaby page yesterday, and it struck me
that my experience in the Marines is analagous to OldManMurray (the experience I just
described, not the one where I pulled a man's lungs out through his back, what the service
calls "making an angel" since the exposed lungs look like wings.) Seanbaby
is the gorgeous Filipino woman gyrating atop the river of shit which is the
internet. Chet and I are the naked children clinging desperately to SeanBaby's boat. You, dear reader,
are the surly, drunk marines throwing coins at us by clicking on our ad banners. Go
click on one, you'll feel like a Navy SEAL; it's the goddamndest thing.
We've increased our readership almost fivefold in the last several months, and I'm
afraid that some of you may be missing out on what is the best part of the internet other
than being able to chat with your pornography: SeanBaby. And, as of last week, he
has an official theme song sent in by Magical Prince
Lee-Ham, a fellow hysterical, teary-eyed, going-to-have-to-be-given-
oxygen-in-the-cool-down-tent member of SeanBaby's panty-less fanbase:
Who da man wit da masta plan?
Who gets kicks dissin' Aquaman?
Seanbaby, no maybe
Hung like a stallion but dresses like a lady
Who dat is?
Who dat is?
Seanbaby, baby!
Who da one wit da neon hair?
Who gots Wonder Woman's underwear?
Seanbaby, he gonna bust a move
Congraturation! A winner is you!
Word! |

Why was I not told that Jesus Christ had married the Backstreet Boys? How
else could such a perfect being have been conceived? Unless the Fonz married
L. Ron Hubbard.
| Big Contest News 1999-06-03 Staff | It has been one week, and
there's still no official word from Ion Storm regarding the rumored firings of Todd Porter
and Jerry O'Flaherty. Worse yet, Marvin is in the county lockup on a futuristic
menacing beef. He's got some kind of temporal restraining order against him; he
can't come within fifty years of some woman's grandfather. It's all timecop stuff
that we don't fully understand, which isn't unusual for us, but our lawyer, J. David
Ingersoll, is also stumped. Some of you may be wondering why, since Marvin can
travel through time, he doesn't just go back and patch things up so that none of this ever
happened. Well, gee, Adolf Einstein, maybe you'd like to live in a world where
turkeys eat people for thanksgiving and thanksgiving is all about giving thanks
to a demonic turkey god for your stupid plan. Because that's what would
happen if we all took your time travel advice. Go read the mushroom, dumbass. With Marvin out of
commission for at least the next several weeks, making him unavailable for contest
judging, we've decided to let you, our dear, sweet readers, judge the entries. The
rules are simple: each of you gets one vote. Use it to vote for your favorite entry.
Voting more than once is not only disallowed, it is illegal. We've made some
rudimentary attempts to prevent anyone from voting multiple times, but I'm sure the eleven
year old autistic super-hackers that comprise 80% of our readership [thanks to
Ziff-Davis for those numbers -ed.] will quickly bypass any attempt we make
to keep them legit. If you vote more than once, we swear to God you'll get a nasty
surprise. Just try us - erik used to fuck guys like you in prison. Wait a
minute - erik used to get fucked by guys like you in prison, usually right after he got
sold for a carton of the fancy clove cigarettes that are very popular in the joint.
We've removed from each entry any reference to its author. We know some of you
may one day be working for assistant manager Todd Porter at Hardee's on the turnpike and
we don't want to make that any harder for you than necessary. The entries run the
gamut from funny to embarrassing; though we'd like to applaud our readers for not creating
anything as mortifying as the Levelord
page. The display order of the entries is randomized on every hit, so that no
entry will have a positional advantage.
We will close the voting on Tuesday, June 8th and will announce the winners on
Wednesday, June 9th. Needless to say, no new entries are being accepted.
Remember: the best two entries, as judged by our readers, will
each receive a kidney rattling intensor
chair made by our new friends at BSG labs. Plus a couple of
crappy games, which could certainly only be enhanced by a vibrating chair such as the intensor chair made by the
naked, jiggling hot chicks that staff BSG labs.
Go vote!
| Australia To Roberta Williams: Go Peddle Your Smut In New Zealand 1999-06-02 Erik | A senior member of the Junior Oldman Patrol alerted me to this article. |
| Australia has long been known
as an untamed land of deliberately shipwrecked British criminals where anything, and I
mean anything, goes. From riding a kangaroo into battle against the
displaced, indigenous population of Aborigines, to beating a kangaroo to death with a
dingo, to throwing a razor sharp boomerang at a milling crowd of native women and
kangaroos in such a way that it slices each of their heads off then returns to your hand,
nothing is disallowed when everything is legal and everyone's genetically unfit to even
hold a moped license in a relatively civilized country like Uganda. Leave it to
Roberta Williams to uncover, then violate, the vestigial moral code of this wild, bad
land. The Australian Office of Film and Literature Classification - the government
body that, until Williams poked her scaly head out of the media hole, had simply been
responsible for ensuring that all Aussie children see Mad Max parts one and two - has seen
fit to ban the Roberta Williams Anthology from entering Australia.
We at OldManMurray applaud the Australians for their bold foresight concerning Roberta
Williams and the reign of terror and mediocrity that she inevitably drags behind her like
a gangrenous leg. We've heard the cries of censorship from several of our more
fruity readers, such as this letter from LimpBizkitRules78:
First they came for Postal, and I said nothing. Then they
came for Roberta Williams, and I said nothing. Then they came for Carmageddon, and I
said nothing. One day, they came for me, and there was no one left to speak.
They came for Roberta Williams there in the middle, right?
As Chet often says when he's pretending to be a presenter at the Essence awards,
"then it's all good." And, as a bonus, it sounds like they came
for your whiny, poopy ass at the end, which we applaud as well. We've seen
what Ms. Williams can do; to an adventure game, to a family, to a nation. In
response to the millions of people who purchased King's Quest IV, whose voices cried out
in terror then were suddenly silenced, we say only this: never again.
While researching this story I discovered that the Roberta Williams Anthology is not the
first Roberta Williams associated banning by the government of Australia. Here is a
handy reference sheet:
Australia Bans Roberta Williams:
A Timeline

This painting on the side of Roberta Williams' 1983 Dodge van is banned
after she drives across the outback screaming over a megaphone to the terrified populace
that she has come for Crocodile Dundee. |

Roberta Williams' husband, Satan, is banned. He is pictured here
aggravating Australians by wheeling his giant satanic penis on a cart through the streets
of Melbourne. |

Roberta Williams' Mystery House: banned. |

Roberta Williams' aggresively Australia-baiting "art" - simply
pictures of corpses posed with terrified babies - is banned. Shame on you Ms.
Williams. |
| Out of the Blue 1999-06-01 Chet | I couldn't think of a good name for our personal update section II. |
| I hear the complaints: where
are the updates? Well, I don't have Lupus, instead I was in NYC for the annual
Essence Awards. I was all set to be a presenter this year. Once again, though,
they liked what they heard on the tape, I wasn't "black enough" in person.
A little bit of news: in a beautiful statement, Acclaim will dedicate the game "WWF
Attitude" to the memory of Owen Hart by removing his character the Blue Blazer from
the game, and replacing him with the character "Super Duper Fly Man" who has a
special drop from the ceiling move.
| State Of The Wood 1999-05-29 Erik | I couldn't think of a good name for our personal update section. |
| It's graduating season.
This week I became the second recipient of Ohio's new post-graduate equivalency degree.
It has been a long road slick with bitter tears, but when I stood there on that
podium clutching a bouquet of flowers to my rock hard bosom as flashbulbs illuminated the
glitter I'd applied to my face and neck, I truly came to believe that nothing in this
shitty, baby eating old world is impossible. The many ceremonies and parties I've
attended, along with diligently skimming the several hundred contest entries we've
received, have kept me from updating the page. Chet was supposed to pick up the
slack, since he didn't graduate from a goddamn thing, but he's got drug induced lupus and
his knuckles have swollen to the size of giant, killer hailstones.
We try to maintain a strict policy of professionalism at OldManMurray; we like to think
our journalistic standards are second to none. We're as excited about the DVD
release of anything starring James VanDerBeek as anyone, we simply don't think this
is the forum for expressing that excitement. Having said that, I'm just so proud; of
myself, of my accomplishments, of the way that I am, according to the state, roughly
equivalent to a doctor - sort of hysterically pregnant with knowledge - that I'd like to
break format and share with you some snapshots from the event.

That's me in the middle with Ohio's first
recipient of the PGED, a retarded guy named Chuck. Chuck's a product of one of those
cute, retarded people romances such as the ones you may have seen on television and in the
movies. That's Chuck's pre-op transsexual prostitute there on the right. |

That's me with Dick Durbin, senator from
Illinois. I told him, "I bet they don't call you Dick just because you're such
an asshole! Am I right? Am I?" Then I made my bow-tie spin around. |

Dick Durbin smarted me, so I lashed out the
only way I know how; I set him on fire with my mind. |

This guy was in the same building getting a
copy of his birth certificate and thought he was pretty tough with his Carhartt
workclothes. Guess whose rugged outerwear isn't flame retardant? And guess who
screams like a gassy baby when faced with my fire spraying pineal gland? This guy.
| Hey Gang, The Community's In Trouble - Let's Put On A Show! 1999-05-26 Staff | Most of you have probably been
too busy competing in Dominion: Storm Over Gift 3 tournaments or designing custom
Dominion: Storm Over Gift 3 missions or simply engaging in the lively debates taking place
in our very active Dominion: Storm Over Gift 3 forum to notice that Ion Storm's plans for
Dominion: Storm Over Gift 3 part 2 may be in real danger of crumbling. Rumor has it
that Ion has handed Jerry O'Flaherty and Todd "Don't let my hand grab my ass on my
way out" Porter their walking papers. If the many past Ion Storm employee
departures are any indication, some PR flak is going to have to issue a press release
explaining all of this to us; helping us to understand what could have possibly led to
this current tragic state of affairs. Well, for once we here at OldManMurray want to
do something constructive. Much like entire Amish communities will gather together
to douse with fresh milk one of their members who has been accidently set on fire by some
fucking Mennonite, we'd like to help our hapless friends at Ion Storm by taking the burden
of explaining this to us off of their hands and into ours. Or rather into yours,
dear reader. What we're saying is that we're sponsoring a contest to see who can
craft the best "official" press release explaining this most recent corporate
debacle to the gaming public. The press release should generally try to describe, in
less than 300 words, why these two knuckleheads got the boot and what is likely to happen
in the wake of their booting. We'll be awarding a winning prize in two categories:
- The entry judged by Marvin to be the "best" using some criteria he brought
with him from the future. We can't give you any real indications as to what he's
looking for. Just wing it.
- The entry most presciently like the actual Ion Storm press release that will inevitably
be issued regardless of our attempts to make it unnecessary.
Each of the two winners will receive a brand, spanking, kidney rattling new intensor chair made by BSG labs. Each
winner will also receive either a copy of Rollercoaster Tycoon or High Heat Baseball.
Because we are racing against Ion Storm themselves, the timeframe for this contest
is pretty tight: all entries must be received by the time the official press
release is issued - probably friday. If Todd Porter and Jerry O'Flaherty
have, through some miracle, not been fired, the deadline will be Monday, May 31, 1999.
Send as many entries as you want to marvin@oldmanmurray.com.
Please read the disclaimer before sending off any
entries. We will publish the winning press releases along with any runners-up next
| EverQuest Obsessed Youths Being Trained To Hunt, Kill Beloved Designer 1999-05-23 Erik | Alternate headline: Legitimate Reverse Engineering Or Nintendo Copyright Infringement?
2nd runner up: Miyamoto Looks Like Skeleton |


Shigeru Miyamoto
| What Time Is It When The New York Times Sits On Your Hobby? 1999-05-23 Erik | Time for John Romero to get a new publicist. |
| John Romero's plan for world
humiliation has finally been enacted. An article in
today's New York Times Magazine marks his offiicial graduation from being mocked by the
specialized gaming press to being mocked - without the comforting knowledge that his
tormentors secretly envy him - by the loftiest institution of the straight press.
John himself gets the ball rolling:
Romero is relishing his pumped-up status. "When I drive this
car [his ferrari],"
he says, "people know who I am." He chafes at waiting for a table for half an
hour at a crowded Dallas lunch spot. ("If they knew I was here, we wouldn't have to
wait."). He imagines his reception in Japan, where he's never been but where his
games are huge. "I'd probably get mobbed by Japanese chicks," he says.
Go ahead, reread that passage. I can't explain it either.
Maybe he didn't know he was talking to a reporter from the New York Times.
The author, Paul Keegan, paints a slightly more terrestrial picture of Romero and
offers an implicit assessment of John's chances with mobs of Japanese chicks:
He wears tight designer jeans and a black T-shirt, and has the
slightly pudgy frame of someone who has spent a lifetime staring at computer screens while
drinking Cokes and eating candy bars.
By the article's halfway point, Keegan has crafted such a clear,
negative image of Romero in even the most game-illiterate reader's mind that he can
introduce John Carmack, describe him concisely as the "anti-Romero", and
rest assured that everyone knows this is a good thing.
The only positive statement the Times can find from one of his peers compares John
Romero to Paul McCartney and comes from "a Dallas game developer who insists on being
identified only as Levelord." Leave it to the mysterious, drunken old
"ord" of the levels to go deep, deep undercover as himself.