
The Whoring Tree 1999-05-20 Erik | I thought Next-Generation was bad. |
| One of our clients, a privately
funded think tank called "Leviathan", pays us to patrol the web looking for
naked pictures of children, which they then "think" about. While earning
my keep yesterday, I stumbled across an online children's magazine called CyberKids. A large portion of its content is
devoted to reviewing games and educational software. While youth is a prerequisite for
joining the staff of CyberKids, competence, insight, and integrity are apparently not. The
first review I
read was of Hasbro Interactive's Tonka Search and Rescue and was
written by someone called Nicky Evers, age 6. Here is his succinct assessment of the
playing experience: What I liked the most was the prize and what I
liked the least was how hard it was to drive [italics added - ed.].
In other words, the driving, the core play mechanic of Tonka Search and Rescue, is
broken. So does tricky Nick recommend the game he just finished savaging? Of
course; this is CyberKids. "I think all kids would like
the game, probobly from when they're 4 to when they're teenagers," is the
exact non-sequitur with which he closes the review. Hey Nick, didn't they teach you
how to spell "probably" in your fancy kindergarten? But wait, he's not
through yet! In what is possibly the most shameless act of journalistic misconduct
I've ever seen, he actually thanks Hasbro "for letting me keep
the game." Congratulations Nicky Evers, you're a whore.
In another issue, Diana Richer, age 6, and Helen Feldman, age 7, review Menlo The
Frog, a Musical Fairy Tale. First of all, let me just ask Diana and Helen
to confirm this fact for me: it took two of you geniuses to write this
embarrasingly bad review? They spend the first two thirds of the piece planting a
wet kiss right on the ass of Windy Hill Productions, then proceed to brazenly state that
"the clam game was too easy for us." Last
time I checked, Menlo was recommended for ages three to seven. Did it occur
to either of you idiots that a three year old might find the clam game rather challenging?
The title ultimately receives a B+, even though the last paragraph contains this
interesting observation: We did not like finding the key because it
was boring. So finding the key - just the whole fucking point of Menlo the
Frog - was boring, yet the game still receives a B+. If a boring game rates an
impressive B+ on the "Richer" scale, what would it have to do to get a B-?
Spray cat piss right in your mouth? Jesus. Whose dick does Windy Hill
Productions - the solid waste excreting orifice of the edu-tainment industry - have to
suck to get a good review from CyberKids? I guess six year old Diana Richer's and
seven year old Helen Feldman's.
| E3: Trip Report 1999-05-19 Marvin | The dumbass twins forgot to mention that I was there. |
| While tweedle-gay and
tweedle-even-more-gay were bunkered in the baby hospital stuffing tampons up erik's nose, I
did some work. After I was done selling blood, I decided to relax by attending E3.
The plasma-milking left me woozy, though I was also pleasantly spent from donating
a rather large amount of semen. "Donate" is not exactly right, since, as I
told the nurse, why should I give it away when there are so many Japanese businessmen
willing to pay for it? While she was counting out my sixty bucks and giving me the
stink-eye - I ruined the clinic's copy of Black Booty - I asked her what
the hospital does with all that spunk. "The gay doctors take baths in
it," she said. Of course I knew that; I just like hearing them say it - by law
they have to.
Speaking of bathing in cum, I ran into Todd Porter while I was trying to
get the hell away from Daikatana. "How's Dominion 2
coming along?" I asked. He got about three words into what looked to be a real
freakin lecture series before I cut him off. "I don't care. Shut
up." I said, "I paid for your goddamn game with money I made selling my
fucking blood. How bout you give me my sixty bucks back right now? Or
maybe you'd rather talk to Mr. Fist?" I showed him Mr. Fist,
who is actually just my fist with little eyes and a mouth painted on it in lipstick.
"Asshole," said Mr. Fist. Somebody must have alerted Eidos
security, because three dressy, bulked-up superfruits muscled their way through the
gathered crowd and hustled Porter away, but not before Mr. Fist managed to call each and
every one of them an asshole.
All this excitement mixed with the mind-altering effects of blood loss caused me to
abandon my complicated E3 plans faster than Next-Generation leaping off the
Playstation 2 bandwagon. I decided to simply roam the aisles, get a blurry
glimpse of each game from a distance, and jot down the first Judas Priest
lyric that occurred to me. I ended up with forty pages of cryptic notes such as:Drakan
You better watch out and hold on tight
We're heading your way like dynamite
Uhhh, Delivering the goods!
Uhhh, Delivering the goods!
Tiberian Sun (?)
I'm a rocker, Oh oh
Do as I feel as I say
I'm a rocker, Oh oh
And no one can take that away
One interesting entry doesn't sound like Judas Priest:
Quake 3:Arena
My niggas they never change.
They kicken it wit they gang and remain the same
It is, I discovered, Cleveland's own Bone, Thugs, and Harmony.
That's it. I walked around for ten hours and came away with nothing.
Considering Chet and little ricky don't pay me to write for them, and considering you
don't pay to read it, I guess you all got your money's worth. And, since it's not an
OldMan article until someone badmouths Monolith or talks about poop, Lithtech
2 - eat shit!
| Get Thee Behind Me Internet Entertainment Associates, LLC 1999-05-16 Erik | Some kind of thing is happening over at Stomped. |
| Gaming institution Redwood has
closed his eponymous page. The site was one of the foundations on which the old,
better Quake community was built and made significant contributions to whatever the hell
it was that made the community and its benevolent, dandyish overseers so freakin great.
Before the rejoicing starts, I should point out that Redwood, like Michael Myers
before him, is not dead. He has teamed up with the people who run Stomped
and the people who recently purchased the people who run Stomped, Internet Entertainment
Associates, LLC, to create a new megasite still haplessly called Stomped. It's
mission? Unclear. Like most of you, I'd never been to Stomped proper before
the Redwood consolidation; so I'm not sure what they did prior to this recent tragedy.
Since Our Friend In Space figures so prominently in their vague plans, I can only
imagine that a substantial portion of the "new" Stomped's reporting will focus
on what is wrong with Redwood's computer, "what up" with his car audio
situation, and where and when he first sees "Varsity Blues" on DVD.
In an effort to generate excitement among their confused readership, the straight
shootin', street talkin' Stomped editors in conjunction with a majority of the governing
body of Internet Entertainment Associates, LLC have this to say about their new staff
So if you thought he ripped it up working on his site part-time,
you ain't seen nothin' yet.
I think by "ripped it up" they mean to evoke images of
the Three Stooges "ripping up" some socialite's fancy townhouse as they try
incompetently to install plumbing. Otherwise, it doesn't make any sense. And
speaking of not making any sense, here is a description of one of their boldest new
On the left you'll see a section called "Stomped
Chronicles". These are subjects that are generating a lot of interest or news, but
only a bit at a time.
James Vipond, if you are reading this, please avert your eyes:
Sweet Jesus, what the fuck are you Stomped people talking about? Unlike the
staff of Stomped, Redwood in particular, the employees of Internet Entertainment
Associates, LLC, and any of the temps they hire to type Jason Hall's name and address into
Access so they can later send him a fruit basket, I didn't graduate from high school.
But most of our smarty-pants readers did - many of them went to college - and my
informal polling shows that they don't know what you're talking about either. Maybe
you've all got some post-tertiary degree that's necessary for understanding your secret
purpose, or maybe it's just "wack."
For our young readers who may be missing already the life lessons
freely distributed in Redwood's "State of the Wood" diary pages, let me pass
along one of my own observations from something I experienced just yesterday:
Someday you'll have a girlfriend. You'll argue with that girlfriend; sometimes
heatedly. In the passion of battle, do not scream hysterically, "You
know who loves me? Mommy!"
| Portrait Of The Social Critic As An Unsuccessful Pornographer 1999-05-16 Erik | The Junior OldMan Patrol wins yet again. |
| Wagner James Au, when he takes
a break from worrying
about the moral decline of our global village, is apparently busy crafting appallingly ineffective erotic fiction.
He writes the kind of "artistic" fuck book that is good for neither reading nor
jerking off to; in the spirit of fairness, I tried both. Here is an orgasm killing
quote ripped right from the heat of passion:
Dry brambles blow through her womb.
Is her vagina and its environs a haunted ghost town? That's
sexy. And is there anything hotter than a womb? If so, Wagner James Au hasn't
heard about it. If I had a nickel for every woman who begged me, in "choked
gasps" as she climaxed, to talk dirty about her womb, I could afford to make another
| Expo Over. Big Changes Coming. 1999-05-15 Erik | After several days of violent video games and self-reflection we have come to the realization that Wagner James Au is still an implacable idiot. |
| Our trip to E3 started badly.
While waiting for the Gamespot limo to pick us up from the bus station, Chet and I
decided it was high time to settle a long standing argument over which of us could cram
the most chunks of rock salt up our nose. I won by a landslide of projectile
nosebleeding, but had to be taken directly to the hospital, where I spent the entire show.
Chet, like some angelic valet-in-a-can, remained by my side throughout the entire
ordeal, missing the show as well. C'est la vie, as Wagner James Au might say.
Maybe next year. While doped up in my sickbed, I had a chance to play some classic
2600 games that the hospital provides for patients to pass the time until their
assisted suicides. Laser Blast is a whole different experience now that I'm old and
my bones ache - like most other things, it sucks.
At least this E3 will be memorable for the hospital stay - the last five have blurred in
my mind into one long demo of Prey. Years from now, when people ask me where I was
when I first heard that Daikatana had been pushed back to Xmas ྟ, I'll be able to
confidently say "I was convalescing in the Los Angeles Shriners Hospital."
Then I'll say less confidently, "Or was that the Xmas ྜྷ delay?"
Some of you may be wondering how I managed to book space in a children's hospital.
I'm well known on the sick child circuit for my ability to lift their spirits by crafting
some pretty cutting diatribes against their tormentor, God. There's nothing an
agonized four year old with rickets enjoys more than seeing a professional character
assassin go to work on the Creator. Hospital Administrators know this simple fact,
and so, whenever I need medical attention, almost any pediatric care facility will patch
me up for free.
Now for the big news. We are retiring the Martin Van Buren Bitch-X alert system this
weekend. Time to pull the plug on that old dog (Bitch-X, I mean, not the little
magician.) It will be replaced by a new community service alert system. Maybe
something to keep you abreast of the Blood 2 fan fiction scene.
| Salon Writer Wagner Au: Next Game Enthusiast To Crack, Kill Hundreds? 1999-05-12 Erik | Sane humans to Wagner James Au: are you receiving us? |
| Salon
Magazine, a hit or miss amalgam of post-leftist commentary and substandard TV guide,
has published an analysis
of the gaming press' reaction to the war in Columbine. The article is written by
Wagner "My last name starts here. I think." James Au. He takes a
dull knife still slick from buttering his many pancakes and waves it in a vaguely
threatening manner towards the gaming press, including our Gamespot staffmate William
"Elliot Chin" Shatner. The first page is a pretty standard spasm of
crackpot theorizing punctuated by one tragic instance where citizen of the world Au finds
he's reached the expressive limits of the English language and must resort to French.
It is not until the the second page that things turn weird and, finally,
Play a first-person shooter long enough and its morbid reality
seems to descend over your awareness like a grid, accompanied by a kind of adrenalized hyper-awareness and euphoric rage. Grid, adrenaline and rage stay with you, far
past the point when you exit to the desktop. Walk away from the computer, and they still
persist. You find yourself stealing up on street corners as if preparing to strafe the
adjoining block; you seem to see a crosshair traced across the bodies of passersby.
Dear Wagner James Au, please remember to take your meds.
He seems to think that this 'grid' is a concept familiar to his readers, a common feature
of the human experience for which further explanation is unnecessary. He mentions the 'grid' again in the very next paragraph:
For the overwhelming majority of us, with well-adjusted social
lives and a diverse range of interests, the grid recedes. But it's not at all hard to conceive, absent those factors, that
the grid would remain in place.
I don't know what the grid is. Perhaps one can't be told
what the grid is. I do know that Mr. Au feels we gamers are trapped in it. I
also know that it's only a matter of time before he reaches the inevitable conclusion that
death is the only surefire escape from the Grid and that he, Wagner James Au, can become
the "savior of the Grid" by shooting at us from atop the hood of the car he
calls home.
| E3 Week - Day One 1999-05-10 Staff | We're so excited we could shit. On camera. |
Things have been quiet for the last several days thanks to EverQuest and
our elaborate preparations for E3. While we planned on announcing today that we
would have the only live twenty-four hour show floor toilet-cam at E3, Avault has kind of
stolen our thunder by yesterday announcing their
own. After a brief period of feverish retooling, we are happy to report that we
will have the only talking toilet-cam at E3. Unfortunately, it won't be
running twenty-four hours, because erik, the adorable voice of the toilet-cam, will
sometimes have to sleep or perform complimentary acts of lovemaking. What can you
expect from "Potty" the talking toilet? Well, we plan on mistaking
everyone for Tom 'Paradox' Mustaine. "Tom? Tom 'Paradox' Mustaine?"
Potty will say whenever anyone takes a seat, "Is that you? How's FAKK2
going? Tom?" We're not sure what we'll do if Paradox actually does show
up to take a crap, but our sources tell us that he has what doctors call "shy
bowels" and once, during summer camp, held it in for eight weeks. So we're
almost positive we won't have to deal with him in the flesh. Another thing you can
expect to see is a lot of people playing GameBoy and the NeoGeo pocket and maybe even a
WonderSwan or two. There may be some real surprises here, such as getting a glimpse
of the super secret Capcom vs. SNK title through the thighs of a high ranking Japanese VP
of marketing. "Tom? Tom? Potty to Tom Mustaine! Is that Adon vs.
Hanzo? Wow! How many hot dogs did you eat, man? Tom? What do you have to
say to allegations that that mole on your ass isn't real?" Lastly, you can
definitely expect to see a wide variety of what those insufferably lefty "next
wave" scat sites refer to as "the secret blossom of the bottom." (Note to
you artsy pornographers: thanks to our recent bombing of the Chinese Embassy, the
world will now officially be ending with a bang.) We hope you'll come for
the toilet-cam but stay for the famous Peter Molyneux "sit down pee." |

This is from a test reel that we shot at the day care center we operate back in the
world. Rest assured that even though we couldn't afford the spy equipment small
enough to fit inside this tiny baby toilet, our E3 version will be a proper "inside
looking out" model. Note the toddler's surprise and delight at being mistaken
for Tom Mustaine - it's a sure fire crowd pleaser.
| EverQuest Ruins World's Most Beloved Game Site 1999-05-07 Erik | Here are some fun things to do while daddy's busy being magical in his fantasy world. |
| The new Gamespot column is up.
You could go read that. Or for some real brilliance, go visit autistic
Christian media critic James Vipond's If I Ran A TV
Station (part of his larger, must see Game Show Bonanza.) You could
also check out an audio transcript of a
recent "This American Life" in which a
pimp from the 1970's reminisces about pimping, whoring, and classic arcade games such as
Pot o' Gold - though the emphasis is mostly on pimping and whoring.
| Small Clarification About The Banners 1999-05-06 Erik | Chet is the sole member of the office football team, the client accounts-payable staff debating team, and the football team's cheerleading squad. He beat me up and took my bannner ad money. Someday he may get a surprise he doesn't like - the kind of surprise that might cause someone to say something like "I told you NEVER to use my scissors again. You freaki- CHRIST!...shit... ohhgahhh... pull the scissors out of my stomach, man..." |
| Several hundred readers have
written to express their displeasure over the ad banner now prominently displayed on the
main page and somewhat less prominently displayed on this page. We understand your
concerns and we feel sincerely bad for all of you. But rest assured, this is no
money making scheme - we just think it makes the site look super cool, like a racing car.
Some other readers have asked what might happen if they click on one of the
banners. All I can say, and I'm quoting here from commercials for the movie 2010
that I remember seeing in the 80's, is that something will happen.
Something wonderful.
| EverQuest More Depressing Than My Life 1999-05-03 Erik | Also more addicting than pornography. |
| I'd like to welcome all of you
to the lowest point of my life. Not content to endure my daily struggle to eek out a
meager existence in the real world, I am now paying to do exactly the same thing in 989
studio's EverQuest. Only I'm a midget. After one weekend, my youthful
fantasies of leading armies against the forces of the undead or crashing my giant flying
turtle into a crowd of horrified orcs in a wondrous, magical air show accident have given
way to dreams of one day affording a pair of shoes. I'm currently on a quest for the
fabled "platinum piece", several hundred of which will buy me a weapon. In
honor of our entrance into "their world", Chet switched his nightly relaxation
tool, Budweiser, to Olde English. So while I have no idea what spells I should
purchase or where to get food, I now have empirical evidence that malt liquor makes Chet
an even meaner drunk. By ounce thirty-eight of his one hundred and twenty, Chet had
more or less abandoned the role playing aspect of EverQuest, had hot-keyed the saying
"Thou art gay", and lost all inhibitions regarding using it over and over again.
Somewhere around ounce sixty Chet lost the ability to even hit the hot-key and
simply walked over to my desk and started screaming it at me. "Thou art
gay!" he shrieked. When I pretended to ignore him, he yelled "That's Olde
English dumbass! I'm calling you gay! You stupid... Come'ere. I'm
sorry." Then when I went to give him a hug, he tried to poke me in the eye, but
he missed and shoved his finger way the hell up my nose. There's a point beyond
which a finger in your nose starts to sting like a bitch. Chet reached that point
and kept right on going. He must have popped something up there, because blood
started pouring out of both of my nostrils. So much red, snotty liquid was
streaming out of me that it started getting in Chet's beer, so he backed off, got behind
me, wrestled me to the floor, and started rubbing my face against the rug.
"Feel that?" he was screaming, "Thas a plus twelve carpet. Wheres
all the fancy new fuckwords now, you freakin midget?" At that point, Tony
returned from getting Thai food, saw what was happening, and knocked Chet out with a big
stapler we use for knocking him out. Then we frisked him and took his wallet and the
peppermint candy he's always got in every pocket, and went to the movies. Thanks to
989 studios for providing me with so much high adventure.