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Asheron's Call Beta Log & Review
1999-08-14 Chet Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5
Week 2:  What is role playing?    09/01/99


This beta-log has generated more fan mail than anything I've ever written for OMM.  Most of the fan mail begins  "You ignorant, stupid fuck".  Someone was kind enought to point out that I had skipped the race choice on the first screen.  I don't know about you, but race plays no part in my life.  I love all men; white, black, green, high yellow, purple, and whatever color Pakistanis are.  Sadly Microsoft left out the green and purple races I keep hearing about, but I was able to finally find a nice ebony character.
Most of the email also mentioned how important role playing is to the AC experience.  People thought if I actually role played, I would enjoy the game more and spend less time acting gay.  I created a test character and went to see how others role played.  Seems serious role players are like an Amish sect - they're all stuck in medieval times and don't role play past that point. I don't know much about that period so I thought I should stick with something I am familiar with:  Robocop.  I soon discovered that I couldn't dress my character exactly - or even remotely - like a robot.  Rather than impeding my plan, I realized that this would simply put my role playing skills to the ultimate test.  Could I, a black man clad only in his underpants, portray a convincing Robocop? 

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If you look at the photo to the left I am burdened 20% even though I am just standing in my drawers.  I believe this is Microsoft's attempt to quantify the black man's burden.  That or I have a very big pecker.
Asheron's Call is still pretty empty so I have a bit of a trek to find someone to role play against.  I imagine you can role play by yourself against an NPC, but that seems fruitier than even I willing to attempt.  Finally, I come across another player.   Below is my first chat log as RoboCop:

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Ronfar is role playing a character who does not have a good grasp of the English language.  It should be "You're a person?"  Good thing for Ronfar that I am deep into my chosen character.  I don't think RoboCop would point out grammatical errors.  Ronfar eventually grows tired of me, but, in a somewhat unRobocopish maneuver, I am able to get a hug from him.  This leads to me elaborately describing how we're making out.  I think Ronfar becomes uncomfortable with his "role" as my kissy bitch because he calls me an asshole after the tender scene pictured at left.  Ronfar does have a cool hat, but how do you role play a character named Ronfar al-Zaraf?  Head gear aside, I think I am much better dressed for the desert landscape in which we are both trapped.

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Oops, what did I drop here?  I dropped role playing as Robocop.  No one else really seems to be playing a strict role.  And to be honest, I may have overestimated my knowledge of Robocop; I can't remember any more lines from the movie.  From now on, I am going to stick to the effeminate sailor.  I think that is a role I can play.  Mr. Tough Guy to the left called me an "a-hole" for the little move I'm performing.  I told him that a-hole turns me on so much more than asshole.  What can I say, I am an effeminate sailor at heart.  Check back next week when I try to get some big strong man to kill a butterfly for me.

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