The never ending struggle of gaming, real life vs countless
hours raising a small bar.

I don't know what this represents in the game. The first few times I
thought I was standing on a runway and ran like hell so the plane wouldn't land on me.

Other than the pyramid scheme, most of
what you see in EverQuest you'll see here. Lots of walking and killing.
I've heard people bitching that you need to have a credit
card to play AC. In this time of free wheeling credit, if you can't get a credit
card, you might want to spend that $10 a month on formula for the baby and not your gaming
Another complaint is that there are no banks in all of Dereth.
You've just been teleported into a strange land in perilous turmoil. Who has
time to manage a weapon shop let alone open a bank? I've always thought it was odd
that EQ had some advanced banking system that let me use my ATM card at other banks.
Best feature included in AC and missing from EQ? When you die, you respawn at the
last lifestone you touched. No more 6 hour quests to find your body. There is
an odd radar unit on the upper corner of your screen. This Battlezone-ian radar
helps you move around, but totally broke my mood of "role playing" as a court
There is not one massively online game that has monster AI that even equals Doom.
The bottom line is that these games have no real story, no fighting strategy, no fast
action, just lots of walking and repetitive tasks as you try to raise your stats.
Anyone who was around at the end of the beta period saw how easily Turbine can dynamically
change the terrain in real time. For that brief period, there was a story that
mattered and influenced gameplay. AC would be better if they had the Apocalypse
every six months and then just started over. That is unless of course you are just
playing to raise your stats and tell your dumb friends about your level 24 warrior.
How long will I keep playing Asheron's Call? Probably 2 months less than I will
actually keep paying for Asheron's Call. I remembered to cancel EverQuest 3
months after I let someone take all my inventory because I had stopped playing. |