
Games Kill Games, Not People 2000-07-29 Chet | UGO offers a Gold Affiliate
status. It makes some of the more insecure affiliates feel good about
themselves. "Hey we're the gold team - what are you silver or bronze?"
It is this kind of witty remark that makes Erik bite his tongue. We're not
allowed to brag about it - we can't display it beneath our UGO fist or even mention it
more than once every ninety days - but we're on the platinum team. For those of you
that don't know, platinum is the implied Olympic medal you win by giving up your amateur
status and turning pro.
Our browsers display some Daily Radar pages on a
regular basis. Marvin wrote a program to automatically scan the site - no need for
us to actually read the content. It is a favor to UGO. It builds DailyRadar's
morale when they see our IP addresses in their logs. Today is only the second time I
actually read something on Daily Radar. I was prompted to read this piece
(go read it and come back) after one of our six forum posters posted an
article using one of his 35 aliases.
After reading the piece, I have come up with my own theory. I will keep in the same
vein of logic - the nonsense vein. For every year that PC games sales have shrunk -
I have grown older. Everyday that I come closer to statistically being dead, the PC
gaming industry suffers. At the current rate, PC gaming will be gone if I live
another 5 years.
For you. For the community. I pledge, I will take my own life in three years
if the PC game market is still in trouble. If my aging is the cause of the PC
game industry's slide - then barring the fountain of youth - I will take the most drastic
of measures to stop the slide (Erik already has dibs on helping so don't bother mailing). In
the meantime, I plan on enjoying every waking moment to the fullest. This means
unlike Jason Samuel I do not have the time to reformat
and respond
to each and every email that disagrees with me. If you still insist on sending
me an email, let me just paraphrase Jason in advance, "You are an idiot and
I am right."
| 300 Mega Future Shock! 2000-07-19 Chet | Marvin is still
on his making things right kick. While he slapped
Erik on the back and told him good job for the pictures Erik added to the Looking Glass
piece, then told him "Boo hoo ya fuckin sissy" when Erik burst into tears, he
told me that I missed the real story. Former Eidos executives were so taken
by our Helpful Daikatana
Monkey that when they formed their own company, they hired a monkey, put him in
charge, and even named the company Wise Monkey.
I pity them. They'll learn the truth about monkeys. There's a reason we don't talk much
about the HDM: Monkeys suck. And I mean that in the highly comedic vampire pun
sense: They'll sink their fangs into your calf and drink your blood like flightless
Dracula bats. They start off nice, but tire quickly of having to operate electric
appliances on the Sabbath, which is when the biting starts. We eventually had to
restrain the HDM in the vise Erik bought for his upcoming assisted suicide (see
above). The only thing worse than working with a monkey is if Erik is playing Lancelot Link and puts a wig on the
monkey and some lipstick and gives it a purse and you walk in and you're like "Who's
that hot chick?" and Erik says, quite slowly and clearly, "You idiot, that's the
monkey!" And you both laugh, but you're not sure what's so funny. One
thing leads to another and there's a crazy mixup, then you accidently screw the monkey in
the dirtiest way imaginable. And the monkey falls asleep while you're making love to
it. That's all hypothetical, so I'm going to change my answer and say that the only
thing worse than working with a monkey is working with a time traveler. Marvin is
always starting an argument then travelling into the past and changing the present to
support his side of the debate. It's aggravating, and sometimes, like yesterday when
Erik insisted that JFK Jr. was going to live forever, deadly. But he does give us
the jump on every other gaming site. Or so we thought. It seems supremely
sedentarily conditioned cyber-athlete Thresh, whose grueling regimen of cross training is
rumored to include both sitting down and lying down, has used the last of his $11 million
seed money to buy a time machine and is letting his Gamers.com readers take a ride.
How else can we explain the reader reviews of Ritual's unreleased F.A.K.K.2?
Score: 1/5 by gray_foxx (5/15/2000)
"I loved the graphics but found zero fun in the game!It is not worth touching."
Score: 1/5 by plutoniumX (5/14/2000)
"the graphics are amazing but the game play really really stinks"
Score: 3/5 by not important (5/22/2000)
"great game I love it"
Score: 5/5 by DRG_Biohazard (6/17/2000)
"this game kicks heavy metal ass!"
or the confusing
Score: 4/5 by bumble (5/16/2000)
Why were we at Gamers.com? In an embarrassing mixup of monkey-screwing
proportions, we granted them an exclusive interview. Don't click here
| Game Over 2000-07-18 Erik | After three years, John Romero wins. |
| A few days
ago, I exhausted my John Romero photo archive while adding some pictures to Chet's
financial analysis of Eidos. I figured that marked the end of an era. With no
more wacky photos, there could be no more Romero stories. Hell, what's left to say
anyway? Okay, there is his
interview on Evil Ed, the gaming media outlet for people who thought Incite was too
sophisticated. Perhaps taking a spiritual cue from e. e. cummings, who wrote "in your most frail gesture are things which enclose me",
Romero uses the interview
as a chance to reflect publicly on the power of his feelings for his lover, Stevie Case:
"Just imagine having sex with a superhot model. That
pretty much sums it up." Picture me picturing mobs of Japanese chicks
Anyway, that's not the point of this update, which is actually more of a
concession speech. I was working my way through KISS: Psycho Circus yesterday, so
that I could write something about it and maybe help you make a purchasing decision, when
I got a phone call from a collections agency regarding some bullshit beef they have with
me about an electricity bill from a state I don't even live in anymore. I was
half-listening to the lady and using my Indian voice to periodically interrupt her to say
"Hello? I must demand to know who eaz dis?" During our dueling
monologues, I scribbled aimlessly on a scratchpad until I finally hung up on her.
Here is that scratchpad:
Here is a magnified version of the important part:

Here, to stress its importance, I mapped the important part onto a sphere
and added a light source:
I swear on Linguist's Software's entire line of
Macintosh Bible products that I'm not making this up. I wish this was a joke,
like 99.9% of everything else on the page. But after three years of Old Man Murray,
I've started to unconsciously draw John Romero's name in heart bubbles.
Let that be a lesson to all of us about the price of obsession. I think
Avault's Chris Harding thinks Samuel Johnson put it best when he said "Scarcely any degree of judgment is sufficient to restrain the imagination
from magnifying that on which it is long detained." Well this is one
long detaining imagination whose magnification is about to be motherfucking restrained,
etc., etc. Mark your non-denominational Living Word 12 month appointment calendars:
On July 18th, 2000 I gave up. No more John Romero.

A message from a professional Bob Richards, Director of the Wheaties Sports
Federation, lookalike.
| Let Someone Else Entertain You Today 2000-07-17 Erik | Thanks to AVault's Chris Harding for
turning me on to Samuel Johnson. |
| The stinky IGN
network has once again proved itself to be not as stinky as I originally thought.
Reasonably hot on the heels of being the first major American game site to post the
classic Chu
Chu Rocket commercial (1120k), they've now published another funny thing. Volition, the people behind Red Faction,
the upcoming shooter rumored to include a sniper rifle and some crates, have taken a
recording by the Dead
Alewives and added to it some moving
pictures from their Playstation 2
launch title, Summoner.
It's 15 large - and by large I'm not talkin mega-bits, like a Neo Geo cartridge,
but giga-mega-bits. However, it's worth the download if
you like this kind of thing, with the hilarity and whatnot. I'm trying to act cool
about it, because my brain is still injured, but it's funny. Click here for the 15 giga-mega shock
| More Stolen Sounds 2000-07-14 Erik | The recording I posted
yesterday or the day before that allegedly contained a private argument between Kevin
Cloud and John Carmack is just one of several recordings I've received from a secret
source. I've decided to periodically post them until I run out.
id audio transcripts
Part 2 - A Fidgety Frolic
With your hosts:

Peter Molyneux

Pac Man Fan Art


One of Marvin's rocket-powered, camouflaged sperm

Crimes By Women, Issue 15

Dallas Police Officer James Dylan (seen here allegedly protecting and/or serving
Paul Steed as he is escorted from id's office)
In today's episode, we eavesdrop on what was allegedly a typical exchange
between aggressive Paul Steed and the generally even-tempered Adrian Carmack.

Adrian Carmack

Paul Steed
Let's Listen! (77k)
| Weeks and Weeks In Review 2000-07-12 Erik | Part of my new commitment to updating once every two weeks... ish... Look, I'm fucking sick. |
| A question asked by a lot of scientists and
regular people is "What triggers deja vu?" A question nobody ever asks is
"Once triggered, what makes it stop?" That's not just academic for me,
either. I've had deja vu for twelve days straight. This isn't a metaphor
leading into some observation about how I'm obsessed with Diablo 2, but it's a lot like
Diablo 1. I have deja vu and it's not stopping, period. If any of you dear
readers is a physician and knows about a medicine that can fix me, please email me the
name of the drug and where I can buy it. If one of you is an assisted suicide
doctor, I'll also consider that at this point. Send me your fee and how you propose
to murder me and I'll get back to you. And I don't want to be stabbed to death,
especially not if it's going to be like in Psycho 2 where I have to keep grabbing the
knife by the blade as you or your nurse thrusts it into my abdomen so that it also slices
my palms and fingers. My illness accounts for my recent absence. I apologize, but
want to point out that it's going to be much worse when I'm dead. Chet won't have me
to kick around anymore, just my head. A few years ago, he persuaded me to donate my
body to science - a branch of South American science that is working on a manufacturing
process that will allow them to convert corpse heads into soccer balls. It's written
right on both my drivers license and my medical alert bracelet: HEAD DONOR! In
Event Of Serious Injury or Death, Mail Head To Av. San Martin 475, Pucallpa, Peru, Then
Burn Body And Freeze Ashes For Reanimation By Scientists Of The Future, Making Sure To
Attach Note To Ashes Telling Scientists Of Future That If They're Apes, Don't Bother.
The people at the DMV thought I was crazy, and my new chronic deja vu has more or
less proved them right. If I could get a doctor to assist me while I crush my head
in a vise, I'd have the last laugh. Though it'd probably be more like a scream
trapped inside a bloody bubble sprouting from my mouth.
Between dealing with my acute deja vu freakout and hallucinating about
killing myself, I haven't been paying much attention to what's been going on in the world
of games. I heard that Paul Steed has picked up the pieces and is now busy tossing
them back into the harsh wind of public opinion by openly daydreaming about his plan
to start a business named after punching someone. The interview also mentions that
he is currently working at EA with American McGee, Brandon James and Barrett Alexander on
American McGee's Francis Ford Coppola's Bram Stoker's Dracula's Alice, the project that is
turning into id's very own Mariel boatlift. |

Someone sent me this picture of Steed's doll collection in his old office at id.
It accompanies this alleged recording (121k) of Kevin Cloud
and John Carmack discussing the hiring of McGee and Steed.
In other news, Lord British is sexy:

100% undoctored photo
The only thing I can really concentrate on anymore is this webcam
that shows a version of the Real World starring chickens. But I'm going to try to
get back into the swing of things tonight by playing some 3D Ball of Defiance
| Who Really Killed Looking Glass? 2000-06-29 Chet | And it wasn't John Romero in Ancient Greece with the Daikatana. This article marks the official bottom of Erik's John Romero picture barrel. He's scraping the wall of his John Romero picture uterus. He's fresh out of John Romero pictures. He'd like to thank everyone who helped him over the last two years, especially God. He likes you God, that's why he's going to kill you last. |
| Let's get this out of the way first: Eidos wasn't
obligated to save Looking Glass Studios (LGS). Eidos was the publisher of LGS's
Thief Series, but the two weren't partners. LGS had a streak of bad luck that forced
its closing. But when the closing was announced, many people attributed it to the
cash spraying arterial wound in Eidos's neck, Ion Storm. Here's a different story
about another, less entertaining, Eidos money pit.As an Eidos customer, I'm totally
satisfied with the results of the money that was spent on Ion. Entertainment is
Eidos's product. Can you name an Eidos game more entertaining than watching Ion
Storm Dallas implode over and over again? If Eidos had sold tickets to the event,
they'd be rich, they could have purchased forty LGS's, and you'd be playing fifty
sneak-to-the-key games instead of wiping your puffy, tear-stained eyes with your graduate
degree. Besides producing John Romero and Daikatana, the thirty million to Ion also
generated Deus Ex, which is entertaining. And that other team made that game where
you could play Tom Hall in chess over the Internet. I heard from someone that that
was fun.
January of this year, Eidos had grown accustomed to its monthly payoff to Ion. This
past December, even after three and a half years of throwing good money after bad, Eidos's
stock was at an all time high. And by that point, the bulk of the thirty million to
Ion was already spent. In the final Quarter (ending March 31st), I estimate Eidos
spent less than 4 million on Ion. During this period, Eidos had a revenue of
$83.5 million and a loss of $23.4 million. For the year, Eidos had a profit of
$100.3 million on revenues of $311.7 million. It wasn't until the beginning of the 4th
Quarter - starting in January 2000 - that Eidos's stock began its plunge from a high of 21
to a low of 3 5/16.
In its
financial statements, Eidos claimed the problem was caused by a shaky, between-generations
period in the console market. Yet at this same time, 3DO's stock rose and actually
peaked in March. What was Eidos doing wrong? Thirty million bucks to Ion may
sound like an enormous sum, but even if it had all been paid in this last year, it would
not have been the single biggest expense for Eidos. The company made a bigger
investment with even worse timing: a fifty-five million dollar investment into a dot com,
enacted right before the recent dot com crash. In January, Eidos sank fifty-five
million into Maximum Holdings (MH), acquiring a 20% ownership of the company. MH owns
GameFan*, Voodoo Extreme, and other online properties. [Maximum Holdings has since
changed its name to express.com but still uses the Maxiumum Holdings name in some
transactions -ed. Hi everyone, it's Erik!!!]
With its new stake in MH, Eidos had created a brand new money pit. As the dot
coms crashed, online advertising dollars began to shrink. By the time Eidos's stock price
reached its low point, dot coms were starting to fail. The fifty-five million dollar
investment no longer looked like such a great idea. Some had this feeling
earlier than others. On the day Eidos actually completed the transaction, Merrill
Lynch downgraded its stance on Eidos. Goldman Sachs followed suit two weeks
later. This investment wasn't the sole cause of Eidos's problems, but it seems to
have had a much larger impact on Eidos than Ion Storm did.
As Eidos customers, what did we get out of its fifty-five million dollar investment in
MH? No LGS, no Thief series to kick around, and not even one crummy Playboy spread.
Instead, we get a
rocking online store, strong editorial
content**, and mature
journalism. Finally, something that makes Daikatana look good.
*Oldmanmurray.com receives advertising revenue from UGO Networks, a competitor of
both the GameFan Network and the stinky IGN Network.
**PlanetCrap is not owned by Maximum Holdings. This is simply a link to a
story about Gamefan.
| Hugs: One Size Fits All, And No One Minds If You Return It! 2000-06-26 Erik | This replaces State of the Wood as the title of my regular Monday column in which I extend an olive branch to one of our many enemies. |
| The output end of Marvin Sedate, the
automated agent Marvin created to monitor Voodoo Extreme, hasn't worked right for a few
months now. The data collection part still works fine, however. I review the
logs every few days just to read the work of the real-life inspiration for JeffK, VE's pimpliest pimp daddy,
Chris "Outlaw" O'Brien, the Nyquel [sic] gankin' webmonkey so
crazy-with-a-capital-k crazy that I've heard him described as being "on crack!" Over
the weekend, I noticed an anomaly in the 06/23 transcript between the early morning and
mid-morning updates. The early morning "blah..." segment contained an epic
tale by Billy Wilson that detailed his attempts to solve a personal problem he had with a
competing webmaster using nothing but karate and misspelled words. By mid-morning,
the huge story had become nothing but a few sentences with the following editorial
[brakes!... Billy hit the Nyquel a little too hard and got a
little wacky with a 900 word blah, we return you to your regularly scheduled programming
Billy and I have had our problems in the past - such as the phase I went through during
which I kept calling him Billy "Stupid" Wilson - but he obviously put a lot of
work into the 06/23 installment of "blah..." I know from experience that
having your work edited is no fun. And to have it edited on what is widely believed to be
your own site is doubly embarrassing, like being so high, on crack!, that you
think your cheap-ass whore has two dicks! Here, then, is the unedited
"blah..." as it originally appeared:
blah... 12:10 AM PST [235]Billy
"Wicked" Wilson
Back to non-movie stuff, but things that could
easily make it to the silverscreen. In a recent interview, it was mentioned that not only
had nVidia's Chris Donahue gave me a wedgie (which I'm always up for, no pun intended) but
that Fryawns whoops my ass. I want to go on record to clear up what happened with this.
First of all, Fryawns did not kick my ass, he licked it (he wanted to), but there's more
than that. So, I'm at the local Super Target, hanging out (that's where all of the cool
people hang out), out of the corner of my eye I saw Frwayns flipping me off and waving his
stinky-ass butt at me. I wasn't going to stand for that, I already wanted to put the smack
down at this year's E3, but couldn't make it (too many other people from VE went, we had
to keep someone here). I ran on, and gave Fryawns a quick manly-push. He pulled, what
looked like a hook from over the top of his head (not sure if he was going for the mid-80s
hood look, or what, and low-and behold, it was Doogie Howser, but with a larger forehead.
I was stunned. What was Doogie doing over in Farmington, Utah? Fryawns took advantage of
my being stunned, and tried to smack me with his signature limp-wristed right hand, it
managed to contact my left jaw, but no damage was done -- it actually pulled me out of my
hypnotic-like state. I then ran through the typical Wu Ji Chyuan 6-swords
"routine", and Fryawns was down before you could even smack a tick. Easy fight,
I thought, but the pain wasn't over. Just because I reached down to feel through his
pockeds, trying to protect my nose from the stench (who said that the Dutch shower? Ok,
most of the Dutch that I know shower, Fryawns is an exception), Big-momma Frans (big - I'm
talking 6ƈ" and 432lbs) push me from behind. I rolled to my feet, which brought me
face to face with the only thing that has scared me more than my clinic results and Blair
Witch Project, Fryawns' mom. I was, once again, in awe (asking questions to myself like
"how can this woman fit in a car, how can she walk without starting a fire between
her thighs, and why isn't she back at the circus). Fryawns' mom blurted something, that
sounded like a threat, I threw all of my weight into my right arm, and connected with her
meaty chop -- it just bounced off her. I then decided that a kick would do the trick. I
jumped up for a standard frontal kick to the chin. It bounced off too. My last resort was
some change in my pocket, I figured if I could get 'magic flying change' to work, then I
was saved! I flicked all of the change at her, only a 1976 (poorly molded) penny managed
to stick in her right shoulder...I was doomed. She then cocked her right arm back, and
threw it my way -- I then blocked, as 6 years of martial arts has done, but it drove right
though that block. The punch connected by chin, sending me into la-la land for a good 45
minutes. When I woke up, there was this strange grease stuff all over my ass, and I felt
"violated" (but in a good way). Needless to say, Fryawns didn't kick my ass, his
master of a mamma did. She moved like a butterfly, she packed the power of 4 German women
(and the weight of 4 German women). While her training didn't look to intense, my hat off
to one of the better fighters I've seen in ages. I heard Fryawns, or, in particular, his
mom is back in Holland, so fortunately I can swing by the Super Target to just drive up
and down the parking lot, looking cool. There you have the story of how I had my ass
kicked. I don't like to talk about it, but figure you should know. Ok, so I just made this
up as I went, I should have quit at the second sentence, but the juices (not creative,
unfortunately) juices were flowing. Let's hope some day his mom isn't around, unless she
passes on some moves to him, I'll easily kick his ass...err, hopefully, you know how some
of those kids with big foreheads are sometimes (usually the type that go postal).
In other news, Marvin says to mention that he told you so
| The Paranoid Messiah Of Comp.Sys.IBM.PC.Games.RPG 2000-06-23 Erik | All week, reports have been filtering in of a mysterious American
expatriate who has descended upon Usenet role players and forced them to wake up and smell
the coffee - on the espresso stained fists he uses to beat hippies to death.
Big Vampire: The Masquerade - Redemption Special Collector's Edition thanks to Brett Todd for first bringing this to my attention. |
| It's Friday, and we're all a little tired.
I know most of you are wondering how the hell you're going to make it through to
five o'clock so that you can leave the office and not have to think about avoiding working
on your shitty KISS game for forty-eight straight hours. Why not let current scourge
of Commie role playing enthusiasts everywhere, Cleve
Blakemore, do the thinking for you? Half Nostradamus, half Ed Anger, and at
least half Terminator, Blakemore has interrupted the endless arguments over whether or not
Diablo 2 is a real RPG to post a personal exegesis entitled Canada Sucks: Time To Eat Crow
You Marxist Ratbags. Reading and researching his statements
should help you pass the time today. Here are a few of my favorite moments:
men have no rights, no security and no safety. They are common-
law whores who can be forced to drop their pants at any intersection and grab their ankles
while local thugs satisfy their passing desires. Canadian males are essentially
everybody's bitch, the government should shave all of their heads and put little toy hats
and aprons on them. You gave up your arms, suckers, now you belong to everybody, you have
no more dignity than poodles on a leash.
I almost managed to stop
laughing before my spleen burst but then I saw the imperial
police force standing in the background sipping lemonade under a tree while the european
girl was being forced to her knees to fellate about two hundred 'exploited minorities' at
This post, in which
Blakemore introduces a new topic: his indestructible endoskeleton.
And why the endoskeleton may
indicate he's partially black.
| Ban Me, Please! 2000-06-19 Chet | "Make no mistake, VTM: Redemption is one of the richest and
most detailed CRPGs ever created, but the same thing can be said about a good book as
well. " - Chris Harding |
| Twice a year, I check our various credit
card statements to see if anyone in the office is still being billed for an online RPG we
all stopped playing 5 months ago. Today was my day for checking. I also read
the above Chris Harding quote today. It really made me wonder which book is
"one of the richest and most detailed CRPG's ever created". Normally,
I'd simply email Chris, ask him which printed book is just like an interactive
role-playing game, and be done with it. But he recently put me in his
killfile. I started thinking more about it. Then I started thinking about
RPGs. And then I began to get the fever to play one. Without the possibility
of Chris's help, I was left to think about the RPGs I knew - online RPGs.
Eventually, I managed to convince myself that I actually wanted to play Ultima Online
again. Sure I knew I'd hate playing. And, of course, I knew I'd be
bored. But once the desire grips you, personal experience and common sense are
I needed someone to remind me that everything that people like in UO, I hate. I
started browsing through some UO sites looking for reasons not to play. This plan
backfired. The idea of working a virtual job 10 real hours a day so I could buy a
pair of virtual shoes actually started sounding good again. There in the world of
UO, I could live out my fantasy life, free from Marvin's yelling and Erik's whining. I
could become the simple tailor I've always wanted to be.
Against my better judgement, I dug the UO disk out of a pile of fish tank gravel near
Erik's desk. Through some miracle, as I waited for the game to install, I discovered
this article. Apparently, if
you post how to dupe items (whatever the hell that means), Origin and/or EA will ban you
from UO. Forever! That's just the cure I need. One moment of strength is
all it took for me to find the cheat. Here are the instructions in a big neon-green
How to dupe items in UO or How to be banned from UO.
Get a rune book with some town runes in it
Put all the items on your character that you want to dupe.
Wait about an hour to make sure the items were saved on your character
Either give the items you want to dupe to a friend or put them in a secure container
inside of your house.
5)Recall across a server line using the rune book
While your still casting the spell log out.
Sell your duped goods as soon as possible
What is a black hole?
When someone refers to black holing themselves or getting caught in a black hole in Ultima
online it means that there character is stuck in between two different places. The way OSI
corrects this is to load your character using a backup taken before you got caught in the
black hole.
Duping the smart way
Each item has a unique item id number that OSI can use to determine if a item is duped. I
would recommend duping only house deeds, since they can be sold easily. One you have black
holed yourself you will not be able to log in till the next server up, so doing it at
night before you log out would be a good idea. To be sure you have black holed your self
try to log in, if you cant log in with any of your chars the dupe worked, if you can log
in, try the dupe again. Now that you have duped the house deed you need to either have
your friend sell the deed you gave hem before you log in again or sell both deeds first
thing when you log in the next day.
If anyone wants to do me a solid here, please see that news of my flagrant disregard
for the rules and regulations of Brittania makes it to the proper authorities. Fast.
I don't know how much longer I can hold out. I'm not kidding around - I need
to be banned