E3 2000 Wrap Up
There are two surefire ways to drum up interest in your existing TV show
or web page: One, you can add a new child character. Two, you can add a hot
chick. It was our genius idea to combine the two and introduce a character who was
both a hot chick and a child. Anyway, as part of Sex Week, we were going to do that
and there was going to be some fanfare and some phony outrage until we pointed out that
the hot child was actually a cyborg called <17 and so we could do whatever we wanted
with her and you couldn't stop us. It was all going to be very edgy, like Fight Club
or Shadowman.
Then Marvin came through with his biggest scoop ever. He was able to access
erik's E3 2000 wrap up before any of us experienced it, making us officially your most
up-to-date resource for E3 coverage on the Internet. We hope you enjoy it as much as
we expect to enjoy actually living it.
Oh yeah, Sex Week is over. Just so these pictures don't go to waste, here's a few
shots of <17 for your gaming pleasure. Click on any of them to be taken to the E3
diary. Or just click here.
