
Jesus, You're All Idiots 2000-03-22 Marvin | I'm back from vacation just in time to witness more stupidity. It's like I never left. |
| In the future, things are better. In
the future, you're all dead. Coincidence? I don't know for sure, but as my
friends, the Jews of the future, say, it couldn't hurt. I thought I'd seen
everything. I've seen things in the future - acts of perversion I'm talking about -
that would make Japan blush. I've seen a single superintelligent baby take on an
entire SWAT team, and win. I saw that last week in the movie Baby
Geniuses on HBO2. I'm just using it as an example of the kind of
thing that's going to happen in the future, because if I give you cavemen any specifics,
you'd become frightened, rip the bones out of your noses, and go on a poo flinging
rampage. Still, with all I've seen, this excerpt from RPGVault, the sour smelling basement of our hated
rivals, the IGN Network, shocked me.

Who would have thought that at this late date there was anything left to invent, but
there it is, RPGVault's contribution to cut-and-paste journalism: the grudging link.
Here's some advice for TruthSword, and just so there's no confusion, I'm going to
phrase it in the form of a reference to Star Wars: There is no try, either link or do not
link. Remember the agony of choosing your fantasy name? Remember having to
decide between TruthSword, OrcSlayer, BladeMaster, and Captain Kirk? Linking to us
shouldn't be that kind of trial. Just don't do it. Instead, link to your
own doctoral thesis on Blaze
and Blade, the only thing on the planet less enjoyable than Blaze and Blade itself.
Seriously, it's twenty-five hundred words, any of them potentially
entertaining, just not in the order you put them in.
Next time you think about mentioning us, TruthSword, feel free to take the twelve hits
it'll generate and shove 'em right up your fucking Monster Manual. I'm your worst
nightmare, a baby genius who isn't a baby. Cross me again, and you're dead.
And if your primate cops think they can catch me, they better have a good map of
Canada. And a time machine
| THQ Reveals Plan To Make Evil Dead Game Stink 2000-03-21 Erik | 
THQ might want to consider keeping its screenshot excreting orifice shut. Dear VP of
brand marketing, you're fired
| Positive Thought Of The Week 2000-03-15 Chet | Once a week we will take a break from our bitterness to bring you
some SalaryMan Murray style positive thoughts. |
| This week we have to thank Blue's News for pointing out this review of Close Combat 4.
The music does the job well in that it nicely sets the atmosphere that
slightly gloomy and horrific feel that World War II is all famous about.
| Jason Hall Could Kick My Ass 2000-03-14 Erik | And I mean he could deal me the
kind of ass-kicking that would kill my ass, and then my head. I'm a muscley guy myself -
if I'm not stabbing a meaty finger at the blender's frappé button, frappé-ing up my next
mega-muscle drink, I'm probably bench pressing 1000 (metric) - so it takes a lot of
courage and a kind of admirable self-awareness for me to admit that Jason Hall could, to
quote a statement I made recently to some children, punch me so hard my whole family would
This kind of painful insight does not come without consequences, however. I've been in a
serious funk for the last two weeks and I've been emotionally incapable of updating the
page. UGO, in fact, has fired me, while keeping Chet and Marvin. C'est la vie, you French
fucks, I say. It'll take more than you and Jason Hall to stop me from updating the
page, unless Jason Hall actually karate kicks a hole through my neck. Getting canned was a
real wake-up call for me. I realized that if I need a refrigerator moved, I'll phone Mr.
Hall. If I want a game to play, give me the flabby, pale-yellow committee that designed
Chu Chu Rocket. Monolith has proved that when a developer focuses exclusively on the heavy
lifting component of game design, Blood 2 is the result.
I may be out of a job, but I'll be okay. As long as there's blood gushing through these
old bones, I'll never go hungry, because you can sell blood and use the money to buy peach
schnapps whose main ingredient, peach, is food. So don't send me any sympathy cards,
especially with a lot of swearing. I don't know why everyone feels the need to curse so
much when talking to me. I get emails that would make Jon Benet Ramsey's killers - Jon
Benet Ramsey's parents - blush. All of that allegedly.
So I'm back, but maybe a little rusty from all the depression. I'm going test the water by
dipping my pinky toe into a John Romero joke.
John Romero... is gay!
I guess I still got it, and I'm just warming up. Here are some exclusive pictures of the
John Romero doll that is rumored to be part of the line of products that Ion will soon
release to support the awesome Daikatana strategy guide. Other products, including a
Daikatana video game and a mug, are also apparently in the works.


Front |
Rear |
I've also been getting a lot of email lately asking essentially the same
question, "Are you fucking cunts going to E3?" I figure I should probably answer
the question publicly so that people can stop sending me mail calling me all the different
words for vagina. We are absolutely going, and Seanbaby will also be attending as part of
our entourage. You may have heard from some people that Chet and I are attending as part
of Sean's entourage, but that's wrong. Unlike many of the other media outlets, we won't
have our own booth or any pretty booth ladies. What we're hoping to have instead is the
it-girl for the twenty-first century, Mike Schank. Keep your
fingers crossed.


We'll keep you updated on Seanbaby's attempts to
get Mike to come with us to E3. |
Except for Mushroom staff member Rob Budrick, I
think we're all kind of tired of hot E3 nurses. Here's a picture of Rob telling an
E3 model who's being paid to stand near him that he's pretty close to landing a job at EGM
and he bets she's totally naked under those clothes, rrrowwrrr, and when is she going to
unlock the Monster Rancher Fire Truck already. |
| The Wait is Over! Time to Dance 2000-03-09 Staff | Best Buy stole our original joke for this week. In their Sunday circular they said that Daikaatana was available. We're looking forward to seeing a Daikattana demo at E3 in May. Go Xmas 2000! |
| Daiketanna
Lead character, Hirro Miytoyoto, based on Saturday Night Live's Mango.


The Perennial Daikaataana Threat. |
Mango |
| Positive Thought Of The Week 2000-03-07 Chet | Once a week we will take a break from our bitterness to bring you some SalaryMan Murray style positive thoughts. |
| This weeks entry was sent in by El Solo Lobo. Computer Gaming
World - Some Kind Of Imbeciles?

| Positive Thought Of The Week 2000-03-02 Chet | Once a week we will take a break from our bitterness to bring you
some SalaryMan Murray style positive thoughts. |
| This week we have our first entry from
Gamecave. Thanks to Lowtax from somethingawful
for the tip.
Ultima Ascension Enhanced Soundtrack
A masterpiece of dark dungeonous undercurrents and medievil
fuse together to bring you quite possible one of the most exquisite of all
music cd's in our inventory. The act of floatation will be among the listener
upon first listen.
| Reviewers Are Smart 2000-03-01 Erik | We try to learn how to further confuse our readers. |
| I have a lot of sympathy for the staff of GameDaily since the name of their site puts tremendous
pressure on them to update every day, which God knows is a bitch. But sympathy is a
girlish trait and makes me feel weak, so right after the brief period of sympathy comes
self loathing and lashing out. I hate you, GameDaily, not just for making me feel
like a woman, but for your "review at a glance." Here's an undoctored
example from their review of Nox: 
kind of freaking Cylon do you have to be to understand this thing? I know it's way
beyond my ragtag fleet of misfiring synapses. The GameDaily scheme breaks every rule
of at-a-glance-ism and graph design. Nox seems to have received a score of five
unlabeled green bars, plus a three, a five, and a B. I think one more symbol would
really ratchet up the amount of confusion available in just one glance, maybe a fruit
scale. For instance, Soldier of Fortune could get four unlabeled green bars, a two,
a seven, a yellow C, and a pineapple. I think the list of numbers and phrases on the
left, including the invisible X-Factor, may have some relevance to the "review at a
glance panel", but it might not. It appears that the "Overall" scale
is not quite as strict as the "Final Grade" scale, but again I'm making an
equivalency-educated guess
| Scandals 2000-02-24 Erik | I'd like to give a shoutout to the newspaper on this one. What up, newspaper. |
| On Monday, the principal
Mexican Roman Catholic Archdiocese, the only group of Catholics with cajones big enough to
actually name their kids Jesus, made its position on Pokemon clear. The game and its
ancillary merchandise now join the ranks of birth control, Satan, gays, and Jews as ideas
and activities best avoided by those Mexicans not wanting to spend eternity mouth deep in
a sea of boiling shit. In its weekly Catholic lifestyle and threatening to condemn
you to an eternity spent bobbing in an endless ocean of scalding shit newsmagazine, Desde
La Fe - a Spanish phrase that roughly translates to a bunch of bandellero strapped goons
baring their black teeth and screeching "ayyieyieyieyieyieyie!" - the
archdiocese stated that Pokemon incites violence and sexual perversity among children.
That previous paragraph is a fine example of the kind of response to this
story you're likely to see all over my nigga the Internet today. Catholics, like
Nazis and belligerent aliens, are one of the few groups that can be publicly maligned with
impunity. If the Mexican Roman Catholic archdiocese came out against running your
tongue across the floors of gas station restrooms, there'd still be some kind of bitchy
outcry. Sure, the Crusades were a big scandal, nine hundred years ago.
At least they tried to do something about Islam. And abortion?
Well, what are you gonna do? I'm the worst nightmare of both sides - I think
fetuses are soul-equipped little people, but I just don't care. The fact of the
matter is that the direct quote from Desde La Fe is this:
Behind the huge merchandising phenomenon one finds, as
in many Japanese cartoons, a combination of elements that incite violence and sexual
perversion among children
Meaning someone at the Hall of Catholics did their
homework, because truer words were never spoken. Like everyone else, for me the
phrase "Japanese Cartoon" conjures up images of adolescent girls being impaled
vagina-first on a tentacle until it pops out their eye. Whereas in America we at
least put on a wholesome front and punctuate any public accomplishment with cries of
"I'm going to Disneyworld!", the Japanese, after doing something noteworthy such
as dropping bombs on Hawaii, will flash the double thumbs-up and announce thay they're
going to "put on my rubber suit and masturbate to rape comics!" Of course,
these traits aren't exhibited by every Japanese person, just all the one's that I've heard
If you want a real scandal for this week, here's a letter we received from
reader Mike B.:
The biggest misuse of the Internet
has been just beyond my reach, but now I understand who the real bad guys are. These
stupid fucking snowglobe pages have all these pictures of snowglobes, BUT THE FUCKING SNOW
ISN'T MOVING! Nobody even bothered to make a 2 frame fucking animated gif or something,
and all of these fucking cool looking snowglobes ARE JUST SITTING THERE LOOKING FUCKING
STUPID! Like this asshole- http://web.wt.net/~jsims/SnowDomes/snowdomes.htm
He's got the cool MIDI and every thing, BUT THE DOLPHINS JUST FUCKING SIT THERE! I think
the snow is just some painted on photoshop thing or something, but snow doesn't HOVER!
Please let me know if you can do anything...
First of all, Mike, nice mouth. I've always tried to make this page an open forum
for the discussion of what assholes these snowglobe people are. Secondly, I'll do
what I can. It will involve making fun of Daikatana over the next several weeks,
months, and years. I hope that helps
| Out Of The Blue 2000-02-22 Erik | Another installment of the forum where we can finally speak our mind. |
| Many readers
have written to ask us where we stand on gaming's biggest issues - Quake 3 vs. Unreal
Tournament and Mark Rein and The World vs. Jason Hall. Other readers have written
soliciting our opinion on naming an afro-centric all anal porn production company whose
name must be the rearrangement of an AC/DC song title. To this latter group, we can
unequivocally state that "Black in Back" is your best choice.
Things get a little stickier when answering the first question.
We tried to dodge the UT vs. Q3A issue by backing the less politically
charged Dukes of Hazzard game. And here I'm talking about industry-political,
because supporting a game in which a pair of white moonshiners terrorize the rural south
by shooting flaming arrows from the window of a muscle car whose roof is decorated with
the confederate flag would obviously raise some eyebrows in any other context.
Southpeak Interactive allayed our fears of aligning ourselves with the white supremacist
and separatist back-to-Europe movements by sending us a box of Dukes of Hazzard
merchandise, and we were content to sit this one out secure in the knowledge that, for
once, we were doing the right thing. But we've received enough mail to make us
rethink our position on making a public statement.
Unreal Tournament is the better game, but Quake 3: Arena includes our
logo. So we're calling that one a tie. However, since office rules don't
permit our opinion derbies to end in deadlock, we put the competition into overtime and
pitted the offensiveness of Cliff Bleszinski's wardrobe against the idiocy of everything
that comes out of Paul Steed's mouth. It was really no contest: Cliff's medallions
and shiny suits are an affront only to good taste while Steed's nuttiness seems directed
squarely at us and other people we respect, such as holder-of-subjective-opinions-
regarding-items-he's-purchased / astronaut John Glenn. Unreal Tournament was the
clear winner. Congratulations to everyone at Epic. We'd like to save them the
trouble of sending us an apology for forcing us to pay for their failed first attempt,
Unreal, by informing them that we pirated our copies of Unreal Tournament, making us even.
A much less contentious issue is Mark Rein vs. Jason Hall. Much like
the Atari 2600 cartridge Snail vs. Squirrel, or us vs. the mushroom, or us vs. Salman Rushdie, or us vs. Daikatana, or us vs. Drakan, or us vs. Jason Hall, or
Taiwan vs. China, unless you're Kevin Murphy, Jason Hall, a squirrel, or China, it's
pretty obvious which side to take. In Christian mythology, Lilith was the precursor
of Eve and the Devil's grandmother. Satan, the trickster, goes by many names
including the father of lies. Lilith, then, can be considered the great-grandmother
of lies. With this in mind, Lith, being short for Lilith, and tech, being short for
technology, is Lou Cypher-esque wordplay meaning "the grandmother of lies about
technology." So there's that. Plus, in Semitic legend, Lilith is a female
spirit who haunts deserted places, like the area of Best Buy where Blood 2 and Shogo are
kept, and attacks children. If I was marketing a tool to design interactive toys for
children, I would make sure the name didn't evoke bleak images of eating
children. Unless I was Satan. Obviously, I'm not insinuating that Jason Hall
is Satan. Roberta Williams is
Satan. I'm not even saying that Jason Hall thinks he's Satan or that he worships
Satan, I'm just saying that there's no compelling reason to rule those possibilities out
if you're shopping around for a 3D game engine and are concerned about the continuing
intactness of your soul. Note that the ƈ' in LithTech 2 can be considered
short for "number 2" which is poop, as in Hell's sea of boiling poop, or just
regular poop which is also pretty bad. I'll end on that note. Thank you